I've got the phrase "Better Dead Than Red" plastered in 2" letters across the back of my truck. Those who are buff fans understand it. I've had people who don't know any better ask why I hate communism so much.
Sorry but I like red in the summer.
Do I get banned?
do you eat steroids for breakfast also?
Sorry but I like red in the summer.
Do I get banned?
You know his name is anus in Spanish.
I thought the word for that was "anos", no tilda
why so much hate for this color?
In the key west household, you will not find a shred of red. We took all the red crayons out of the box, we don't have a red marker, nothing red. We went so far as to not even teach our kids what red is. Whenever they see red and ask what that color is we say,"That, my children, is the color of certain loss and the sign of end times. Only losers wear that color."
Word. :thumbsup:
My FIL has a Huskers doormat in front of his shop, and if your shoes are not dirty, youa re instructed to go find some dirt to get on them so you can sipe it off in the Fusker mat.:smile2:
I've got the phrase "Better Dead Than Red" plastered in 2" letters across the back of my truck. Those who are buff fans understand it. I've had people who don't know any better ask why I hate communism so much.