Show me a better solution right now better than TH. O wait you cant.
I feel like you're f***ing with me. As for TH running a Pro-style, I'm afraid you're right.
Show me a better solution right now better than TH. O wait you cant.
Did you mean no one on the team or no one in general? I was taking your statement at face value. I agree that in terms of who we have right now, he's our best option. Are you a CU student?
Noob fight!!!!!
Why are you so upset? I pictured you as the guy doing the body slamming.
You're instigating
He does that a lot.
I'm starting to get that impression. Wally the instigator, good to know.
He's kind of our resident Sean Avery.... :lol:
what about 501 jeans?He does talk about fashion a lot. I learned about shoes and belts from Wally.
what about 501 jeans?
He's kind of our resident Sean Avery.... :lol:
If Wally is Sean Avery, that makes Christian Fauria the one getting sloppy seconds. Right Wally? Huh? Huh? :smile2:
If Wally is Sean Avery, that makes Christian Fauria the one getting sloppy seconds. Right Wally? Huh? Huh? :smile2:
I prefer Rhonda Fauria:
God knows I spent a lot of effort trying to make that the other way around. I'm not a proud man.
I prefer Rhonda Fauria:
I guess my statement on the matter was too subtle?
I do concede that I lacked pictures.
I'll try to catch him up. Ralph, this is a glimpse into the past of one of our esteemed NATO colleagues:!?p=491828&viewfull=1#post491828
aik, thanks for the catch up. All I know about him is that he's an instigator on this site!
Can't you people see what's happening here!
Can't you people see what's happening here!