Originally Posted by unbiasedtruth
my question is why is he still on the team and still on scholarship to the university. I know of several coaches and schools that he would be off the team and the scholarship pulled already. [/bold]
in this case chip, descretion is the better part of valor or do you want to know my opinion of Sipilli and Katoa and what i think their relationship to CU needs to be? Also did I mention or imply OU and Bob Stoops in the above comment? Or is that the only school and coach you think I know anything about in CFB?
To be perfectly honest somewhere in the discussion of Mo Purify I did mention Stoops and Dusty Dvorecek and their situation. You dont need to go looking for it.
So you will understand, and I have said this several times before in this thread, you have a situation where a young man made a bad and foolish decision and put an unlicensed weapon in his pants making it concealed on a high school campuse. The he got arrested for it. Did he physically threaten or assault any person after this? No he didnt. Did he use the weapon in a violent manner against others? No he didnt. He just got caught putting an unlicensed gun down his pants, thats all we know. Anything further than this is all speculation by any and everyone. Now if he had, and I had to answer the previous questions, yes, color him gone in my book. So is what I said about Mo Purify hypocrisy when you have two very different set of cirmcumstances.
And to clarify he has yet to show up on the OU campus.
When the posters here started crying about how Stoops didnt punish him and OU needs to follow CU's lead in how to punish athletes that break the law, players were brought up to illustrate how CU does a better job punishuing its athletes. (somewhere along this line no one wants to acknowledge my posts about Dvorecek and the frosh receiver that were suspended by Stoops for a season, or the 2 o-lineman back in 2005, that were gone for good when Stoops booted them for violation of team rules)
My deal is Sipillia and Katoa did physical harm to another person, to the point one used a weapon ( a rock as it be, how big, what hand, sandstone, granite, marble who knows), and the other caused facial reconstructive surgery. I tend to believe those two altercations with the law are way far more severe then gettin caught with a unliscensed gun in you pants, even on high school grounds. They were acts of violence in retaliation against another person when there was no attack against them personally. Yes I know Sipilli's and Katoa's friends suffered unprovoked(?) attacks by others and, in Sipilli's case he stepped in to help his friend, and in Katoa's case he "trespassed", going in to an apartment and assulted a member of the party there, rock in hand, hoping he could find out who had tasered his friend, another CU football player, moments before and then the ones doing the tasering drove off.
I guess my very liberal attitude towards fireams tends to make me say no big deal, no other person was hurt, no property was damaged. Victimless crime. How many of us have committed victimless crimes? I do it fairly often, in fact daily when i drive to and from work.
To continue this I was raised that you never raise you hand and strike another unless it is in defense of yourself, your loved ones, or your country. So when I see players, themselves not attacked, maybe in harms way, wrong place wrong time, and then attacking themselves I have a serious issue with that. That is why I said what I did about Mo Purify and his unprovoked attach against a doorman at a bar over a stinking fake id being taken away the week before at a different bar. And I stand by it today and have not backed down one teensy weensy bit from it. No hypocrisy. And if you want, I will cast descrestion to the way side and let you know how I feel about Sipilli and Katoa, it will be in a PM to you though. I have yet to come to a conclusion on Geer. Right now I think he is way more in the right than wrong (wrong place wrong time), from the information I have heard.