"...cheeseburger was awesome. So juicy. The pickle, the mustard, the ketchup...good stuff in-between the buns here in Minnesota, doncha know"
"...cheeseburger was awesome. So juicy. The pickle, the mustard, the ketchup...good stuff in-between the buns here in Minnesota"
Did we actually offer Bellotti a job?
Off-topic, but this is my ****** Thread anyway. . . . . . Tatanka, why do you have your name trademarked and did your patent attorney really think that is defensible? (See, I told you guys I am Snarky)
Bah - I'm not angry about that. The hire, for those who haven't taken a little time to digest it and listen to Embree, should be a head scratcher. I care a lot more about what they will say about the hire in another 5 years than I care about what they say about it now. Remember, Hawk was a "home run" hire. That turned out great.
I think Minny and Indy did pretty good to get Kevin Wilson and Jerry Kill, and maybe for those schools getting a decent coach is an "A".
Randy Edsall was an "A" for Maryland. The fact that Maryland can bring in one of the best coaches on the east coast after forcing a long-time coach out was a big "save" for that program.
But Paul Pasqualoni is an "B"? WTF?
Vandy gets a "B" solely because they hired a coach that another school thought highly of, even if he was their second choice. OK that proves the "curve" on the scale right there.
CU gets a "D" because we must have 100x the expectation at hiring a "big name" than all of those schools. Expectation is a good thing, I guess. Proves we still have prestige in the national media.
If I were a betting man, I would take the bet that Embree has more wins for the school that hired him on that list than at least 5 of those other coaches in 5 years time. I would even take odds that he finishes in the top 3.
I would even take the bet that Embree will have a winning record against David Shaw in H2H matchups over the next 8 years.
The only "A" Mandel needs to know is the hole where he can shove his ****ing slideshow.
But Hawk had all the things you look for-- was a [strike]OC[/strike] TE/Special Teams/Recruiting Coordinator and a HC at a very successful program.
Where'd you hear that Embree was offered a OC position at Oregon and Buffalo?When Embree was first hired my initial reaction was "really?" I thought some of the things he argues. But then I heard he was offered the OC at both Oregon and Buffalo Bills and figured he must be pretty well thought of in the coaching world. But after seeing him in action so far, I just grow more and more impressed. Also, a huge part of success in college coaching is being able to recruit and I think, hands down, their isn't a head coach and staff on that list that will be better than Embree, Bienemy and the gang. It'll just be more fun to prove 'em wrong.
Oh, and he gave Turner Gill an "A" last year.
Where'd you hear that Embree was offered a OC position at Oregon and Buffalo?
Buffalo for sure. He turned it down because he wanted to get some time seeing how Mike Shanahan ran his operation. Embo felt that would better prepare him for the HC job at CU (the dream he has been chasing his entire career).
fwiw, EB was also offered the OC job at USC last year and turned it down. Something tells me that if he had accepted that job people wouldn't have questioned his qualifications. CU gets put under the microscope a bit and the inclination is for the national media to come down a bit harsh. It's been a while since we have deserved the benefit of the doubt, let alone unquestioned support of any move we make, so it's hard to get too upset at it.
Where'd you hear that Embree was offered a OC position at Oregon and Buffalo?
i've never heard either of those either.
"Kanavis McGhee, most recently coached at Gannon (Pa.) University. Good luck with that."
he does realize that Guz Malzahn came staright from high school to college right?
the kanavis mcghee hiring didnt make a lot if sense to me anyways...
Are you two calling me a liar?!!!!!!!!!!!! Huh? You doubt DBT?
Right after his hire I read about both in The Denver Post. I don't just make **** up like most of you. :lol:
Followup: I went to the Denver Post archives. Those ****ers. They give you the first few sentences of an article and, if you want the rest, you have to pay $2.95. Forget that!
Relax. No one's questioning your honesty.
It was a senility check. :smile2:
Well, if I may give a semi-serious answer to a snarky question, it's because I'm the original. I started using that handle in the CUAD chat room back in 1995. There are others now using my handle on various CU sites. I've also seen someone spelling it Tatonka. If you see the trademark then you know it's the real thing. :gobuffs:
CU has become insignificant in college football for the last 7 years. Until we start winning on a regular basis that won't change.tend to agree here. though, do seem a little harsh. the "A" hires seem suspect to me. anybody but Bear Bryant or Darrel Royal to Indiana can't be an A.
from a national perspective, JE is not well known. and, i'm cautiously optimistic but i don't think it's a "done deal" we are gonna be a perennial top 10 type team for a significant run....