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You can find an Internet forum for pretty much anything, from fans of My Little Pony to people who like to get peed on by fans of My Little Pony. So at first glance, the Bloody Board, a forum for fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, seems comfortingly normal. They post tweets from former cast members of the show (mostly about how much it sucks to work at this gas station now), speculate about plot points, discuss favorite episodes and fan art -- the usual stuff. But on close inspection, something's just a little off ...
One user, "jamie_marsters" appears to be quite prolific, posting and replying many, many times a day. We suppose it's sort of creepy that she's taken the name of Buffy star James Marsters, and changed it to Jamie to imply familiarity, like an ex-girlfriend or an old babysitter might. A quick look at the profile statistics and things get much worse. Look at the number of total posts "jamie" has made:
Huh, she must be really into the community to make almost 40,000 posts. The only problem being: There's no community. There is only jamie_marsters. Scrolling through the archives reveals that there are virtually no other users, just this one, posting non stop, replying to herself, over and over again, every minute of every day for the last six years, alone inside her own dark little echo-chamber of madness.
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