Ugly. If we are going to wear throwback jerseys, how about to the late 80s or 90s? Saw someone wearing an old Kordell jersey at the Sink before the game and it was remarkable how much better it looked than anything recent.
I really liked them. They played like a different team with them on so I would be okay if they finished the season with them. Next season once is plenty.
It's funny that the helmets are considered 'Throwback'.
That style was used only one time at the Orange Bowl in Miami in 1957-58.
Yesterday was the first time that helmet style has ever been worn in Folsom.
I do like that CU pays tribute to 150 years of CU and 120 years of CU football. The Fox coverage mainly missed that part of the story, making some quip about fashionistas and wearing leather. As a result, the uniforms came off a gimick instead of something more nostalgic and substantial.
Was Legacy Day any more substantial in the stadium?
Wasn't it carrying Albino? I'd say it belonged.Not really they just drove around old regents in classic cars. Well mostly classic cars. Somehow a VW Bug got in the mix.
Wasn't it carrying Albino? I'd say it belonged.
Ugly. None of it matched and the jersey's looked like and old garage rag. The pants are worse.
Hideous looking helmet and jerseys. They looked like crap on TV. The next time they do a legacy day PLEASE choose a different era. Not that I want to be reminded of the early 80's but even the powder blues look better than those gawd awful things I saw on Saturday.
I loved those helmets and would love to see them used again. I like our look, but it is not very unique in my mind. Those helmets screamed Buffalo!
Those helmets screamed "someone dipped their dick in ink and smacked it on my head"
Those helmets screamed "someone dipped their dick in ink and smacked it on my head"
So the jerseys were throwbacks to the 30's, but the helmets were 50's throwbacks? I don't get it.
I like the idea of a gold jersey with big block numbers, but I could do without those helmets and pants.