Who is RSing this year that is going to make an impact down the road? MTM - IF his knees hold up? Who else? Honest question.
Who is RSing this year that is going to make an impact down the road? MTM - IF his knees hold up? Who else? Honest question.
Who is RSing this year that is going to make an impact down the road? MTM - IF his knees hold up? Who else? Honest question.
I do not think that word means what he thinks it means. He should already be getting 60 minutes...
Yeah, I wish I had more Juniors & Seniors on the team. Hmmmmm
What message is that sending?
As far as Hawkins reading letters of support. Whats the ratio of support Vs fired?
Does anyone think that Bohn would have a press conferance where he reads his letters of support if he was feeling the heat? I think not.
Bohn should have more talks with Hawkins and the letters to Bohn should not stop until there is positive change.
You say he was "open", what press conference did you watch? He just repeated the same bullcrap we have heard for a few months now. He basically said everything is close and that it is only a matter of time before things get turned around. How is that being "open" about the program? Oh yeah, he managed to squeeze in "we're young" about 5-6 times.It is not a sin to post positive things about Hawkins, but that press conference was pitiful.
But, overall, thought it was a step in the right direction as far as openess and not being so ****ty with the fans/media)
And to me the reading of the supportive e-mails was one of the ****tiest things he's done yet with regard to the fans. To me it's a step beyond "how can you know, you've never coached" or "how can you know, you've never taken a risk". Basically the message I get from it is "**** off, not even other fans agree with you"..... :huh:
Addressed for the first time that there is heat on him and what they're doing about it. Also mentioned that the process has taken longer than he imagined. He also went into what exactly it is that theyre doing right and also that the players are affirming. DH also went into things that need to be fixed specifically (not just little things). This was WAY more open and honest than we've seen. Not pitiful IMO.
EDIT: I defintly thought there were weird points (see: "I was fat and behind in math and basketball". WTF. But, overall, thought it was a step in the right direction as far as openess and not being so ****ty with the fans/media)
One other thing of note: I really hated the part where he basically asked TH to almost endorse him.
Hey Tyler! Haven't I always been up front with you? (Tyler must have nodded his head yes) Hawkins: See! there you go!
What's TH going to do? Nodd his head no?
I would agree but he didnt reference other fans. He read emails from a parent of a recruit to put emphasis on the fact that theyre doing the right things and trying to win the right way and project the opposite image of what he took over. Then, he read a letter from a former player to show that in the locker room he does things the right way. If he would've read random emails from the 3 fans that still support him I would agree.
Good point. I shouldn't have said other fans. But still, to me the point of that was basically to say "**** you" to the people who have been sending critical e-mails. "See, these people love me!" "These people think I'm doing great at all the things you canj't see!" Which is basically the same as saying "you just don't know enough to know how awesome I am."
To top it off, nobody has been critical of whether or not he's doing things the right way with recruits. That's the part of the job most people will praise him for. That's just not enough when the results are as bad as they are now. And it's nice that former player thinks he does things the right way in the locker room, but I have to wonder if he's found himself in the same situation as somebody like Tyler Hansen. Or even one of the players who just can't seem to get on the field. All in all, that act comes across as incredibly defensive and quite a bit off-point to me...
I hear you, good points. If it were a "who can run the cleanest program" contest, Hawk would be coach of the year. Unfortunately, we want wins in addition and Hawkins isnt producing this. I get it. I just didnt hate the presser like most here.
I DO hate the results the last 3 1/2 years, though. Ugh.
I hate to say this and I am sure I am going to get a lot of heat. But I liked this press conference. I really like Hawkins and I really want this guy to it together and see him win at CU. Hawkins really does represent our University well and I like the message he sends.
Still don't like how he has handled the Hansen situation, and I think he made some big mistakes with that. But it doesn't take away about how I feel about him and how he has represented this University.
He's represented cu well off the field and many who don't like him have stated this. But when is he going to start representing CU in a good way ON the field? That stuff is good and all especially the way CU was looked at in recent years but when is he going to start winning and stop talking more about e-mails from recruits parents?
We all want cu to win but I think many feel it won't happen with him as head coach,no matter how nice he is.
You would say that.
(note: I have no idea what this means, but, seems to be your response to anything I say regarding Hawkins).
I hate to say this and I am sure I am going to get a lot of heat. But I liked this press conference. I really like Hawkins and I really want this guy to it together and see him win at CU. Hawkins really does represent our University well and I like the message he sends.
Still don't like how he has handled the Hansen situation, and I think he made some big mistakes with that. But it doesn't take away about how I feel about him and how he has represented this University.
I hate to say this and I am sure I am going to get a lot of heat. But I liked this press conference. I really like Hawkins and I really want this guy to it together and see him win at CU. Hawkins really does represent our University well and I like the message he sends.
Still don't like how he has handled the Hansen situation, and I think he made some big mistakes with that. But it doesn't take away about how I feel about him and how he has represented this University.
You know what it means, hawk could kill a puppy and you'd find a way to believe in his reasoning for doing it. :lol:
I hate to say this and I am sure I am going to get a lot of heat. But I liked this press conference. I really like Hawkins and I really want this guy to it together and see him win at CU. Hawkins really does represent our University well and I like the message he sends.
Still don't like how he has handled the Hansen situation, and I think he made some big mistakes with that. But it doesn't take away about how I feel about him and how he has represented this University.
I want Hawkins gone as bad as anyone. I've written 3 letters to Bohn regarding this and saying I wont renew my tix or continue to donate if he's not fired following the N*braska game (which isnt true:lol. That doesnt mean I want NOTHING more than for him to win out and show that he was right all this time and we're all full of ****. Nothing would be better for the program. Dont need another coaching change. But, no, I'm not at all drinking the Kool-Aid. I think people confuse my friendship with CH and my support of DH. I can seperate the two...I want Hawkins gone. ASAP.
Knowing this, he took the opportunity today to try to refocus the attention on his job as if the former scenario was the sum total of his job. If that were the case, the job of running the program would not pay close to a million dollars a year...
I'd be estatic if cu won out, I want to win. I don't want cu to lose just so hawk gets fired. Best case scenario would be to make a bowl game and hawk be gone but that would not play out.
2 years ago his press conference might have given hope for a better future with this program but he's used the same tired speech so many times,it rings hollow. When he starts winning as much on the field as he believes he is off of it,then the perception may change for the better.
I didnt get that impression. I thought he repeatedly referenced not being happy with the outcome thus far, needing to fix things (of the little variety :lol, not thinking it would take this long but knowing that it would change, etc. I dont think he was talking about running a clean program when he mentioned not having patience and thinking it'll change soon. Also, talked alot about what theyre lacking in regard to winning games--leadership, depth, experience, etc. We can argue all we want that those are bull**** excuses that shouldnt be there in year 4, and I would agree, but, I think he defintly did try to address winning/losing not JUST off the field topics.