maybe he can quit the team by carrier pigeon under that guy.
I am not happy with him quitting the team but I also know of cases where the player who quit had good reason for doing so. If you have a coach or coaches who are trying to "teach you a lesson" when it is the coach or coaches who need the lesson then I will side with the player.
The "He has a hurt knee" but then he is running back kicks, the "He's going to be a big part of the gameplan" then he gets 2 carries. I am not saying that DS is right in this situation but unless somebody can prove otherwise, I am also not going to say he is wrong unless I see some real proof that he was the problem.
A kid gets one chance at a college career, if a coach is doing his best to screw it up, especially if that is contrary to what the coach promised in recruiting, the kid has to do what is right for the kid.
I feel the same way about Toney coming in from Michigan. I know that some Michigan fans are pissed at him, as well as at the QB and some other guys who left. Fact is it is their life and they have an obligation to themselves to make the best of it. Sitting on the bench so Hawk can prove a point is not making the best of it.