Well-Known Member
I understand your point but when someone as negative as you calls others out it comes off as hypocritical. I mean,a positive glass full guy like me can't stand all these negative nancies:smile2:
I have lost all patience,I want results,not hype. I will be targeted all year for being negative if this type of play keeps up. I try to be patient but I just don't have it in me:smile2:
Seriously,you are a passionate buff fan and I remember your shot for OU. I like the discussions here and the people getting fired up, it shows that people care and have passion for this program.
I also admire these guys who have a more calm,patient approach because they have the same passion and can show some reserve unlike myself.
We all want the same for cu,just different ways people express and feel about how we get there.
Maybe you are a glass half full guy, but you just KNOW your glass has a crack in it, the tabletop is tilted, and you are not sure WTF the glass half full of!