New Member
Pretty spot on post liverv2.0. fify.
Mods, When can we ban Cal_Fan2? least wait until I go all ballistic and insult someone....I could do my best Dan Beebe impersonation ...........

Pretty spot on post liverv2.0. fify.
Mods, When can we ban Cal_Fan2?
Did you take over the Bear's Lair before, during or after the game?
Believe it or not, I've only drunk there about 20 times in my life. It didn't exist when I was a student because you couldn't drink on campus then, except profs at Faculty Club.
By the way, it's being torn down next year as part of a remodel of the whole lower Student Plaza area, so you may have had your last hurrah there (sniff).
Wish I could make it out to Boulder this weekend. Good restaurants and beer joints like Berkeley. We'll have a beautiful new stadium for your next trip out. You gotta drink your way up to the stadium in stages tho'. We'll discuss options as game approaches, whenever that is.
Hope you don't get stuck with those delusional 'whorns again. I'd like to see them go independent, not just UT, the hole (not misspelling) state. We should trade them straight across to Mexico for Baja and have a new bowl game in Cabo. Cabo Wabo Bowl has a nice ring.
Good luck against the Lambs the following weekend.
I suspect you are looking for the answer "before", which is quite true. Not a ton to brag about from our side because the Cal fans don't pregame..they postgame. It was weird that every bar we went to before the game was all CU fans while the bears slept. You guys don't tailgate out there. It was very disappointing.
not too tough considering they don't sell hard liquor.We don't have a campus layout for tailgating. We hibernate mostly although lots there is lots of activity in the fraternities and in the center of campus as well as a few traditional watering holes. When we travel to UCLA and USC we tailgate HARD. You're right though about post game...that's when you see us most visibly. We close bars...
Uh, the bear is actually looking into the adjacent pisser's eyes....dreamily, if you ask me...but flame it Walrus (nice call btw). Didn't think I posted the pic with no expectations did ya?
You Tatankas are pretty cool. I like the posters here. If it were Christmas, I would show up with an O-Line to give you all as a gift. :rofl:
Seriously though, aside from the outcome of Saturday's match up, is anyone really sad that they won't be visiting Lubbock, Norman and Stillwater anymore? (Um...At least for a year or two, maybe). Welcome to the PAC Buffs...the Conference of Champions.
not too tough considering they don't sell hard liquor.
**** no I won't miss them. I lived in Vacaville for ten years, actually hit a CU-Stanford game back in the day. Loved the bay area. Love Colorado more, but if I had to move, would probably go back there. I will enjoy hitting the road games for many years to come. So far, the Bears have had the most fans come over here and have been pretty good natured. I like it so far.
Right on FlatironsBuff...we're pretty mellow and friendly. God help you when SC or Oregon visits. Your avatar is absolutely nice ass by the way.
Yeah yeah....So the mods are friggin' intelligent...way better than furd and SC. One is named Liver! Apparently Walrus is Pacino-like (Fuc*in' A bubba) but his sh*t is funny. Creatini is cool. Buff Surveyor is a Nebraska troll. Buffnik has some sweet info. Props to Burrito Palazzo. Boulder Buff is like DrunkOski, Unleash Hell is like D. Dempster, Utter Buff Luv likes Alex Morgan and the rest are pretty chill. Coach Marshall is a sore subject...
Buffs...Cal_Fan2 is pretty cool member from our Boards. I hope you enjoy him for a few days.
Muchas Gracias Buffnik! Have a little Golden Bear love:
um sure we do.... how do you think we all got through college?
We have 2 users called liver. One used to live in SoCal and is now in NorCal, the other attended college in NorCal and is now in SoCal. Hm.
I had season tickets for Cal the year they were in the top 5 until they choked (like 4 years ago or so) but gave them up because the atmosphere was so awful. I remember going over to the OSU visitors section just to get away from the folks on cell phones during the game. Pretty ****ing lame. The atmosphere up on the hill overlooking the stadium was a bit better but you couldn't see the field that well and I guess it's gone anyway with the renovations.
I suspect you are looking for the answer "before", which is quite true. Not a ton to brag about from our side because the Cal fans don't pregame..they postgame. It was weird that every bar we went to before the game was all CU fans while the bears slept. You guys don't tailgate out there. It was very disappointing.
i don't think NU's move was motivated by intelligence....more, they got their feelings hurt after a decade of not being the bully on the block when UT and OU didn't seem to think NU's seat at the real big boy table was required any longer. now, they did jump Missouri into the Big Ten (which is nice for the polyester hordes)....but, only after MU did all the cry work.
CF2 or CB68...time for the lookalike thread? Your call....
Who the hell does post-game instead of pre-game? I'm starting to think the lowly Baylor bears have bigger balls than the Cal bears.
View attachment 7343
I don't know jack about this Board except what I've read and absorbed in the last few days (and somebody already offered me another poster's mom) but I can assure you... I am a parasite and my host is Sorry to upset the status quo here.
not too tough considering they don't sell hard liquor.
Who the hell does post-game instead of pre-game? I'm starting to think the lowly Baylor bears have bigger balls than the Cal bears.
View attachment 7343
Are all Pac 12 fans as cool as these Cal fans?
First we were Twinkies and now we're cupcakes? What's with CU and calling opponents snack cakes? I hope you're not saying that we are an easy team on your schedule, especially after last year's game (which I wasn't going to bring up until I saw this post).
As far as pre-game goes, I'll bet there is as much of it going on in Berkeley as in Waco, but it is probably more spread out because there is no one main parking/gathering area. Some of it doesn't involve bottles, cans, kegs or cups either, as I suspect is also true in Boulder.
On top of that, many Baptists think drinking is evil and tend to really cut loose and be more demonstrative when doing something "wicked". You're on your own as far as conducting your personal balls comparison, tho'. San Francisco is 12 miles west -- you might have more luck over there with that survey. Let's just say that many of us Bears are comfortable driving Priuses and other small low-power cars.
This sounds like it's gonna be a pretty decent rivalry between our two schools. Bring it on.
First we were Twinkies and now we're cupcakes? What's with CU and calling opponents snack cakes? I hope you're not saying that we are an easy team on your schedule, especially after last year's game (which I wasn't going to bring up until I saw this post).
As far as pre-game goes, I'll bet there is as much of it going on in Berkeley as in Waco, but it is probably more spread out because there is no one main parking/gathering area. Some of it doesn't involve bottles, cans, kegs or cups either, as I suspect is also true in Boulder.
On top of that, many Baptists think drinking is evil and tend to really cut loose and be more demonstrative when doing something "wicked". You're on your own as far as conducting your personal balls comparison, tho'. San Francisco is 12 miles west -- you might have more luck over there with that survey. Let's just say that many of us Bears are comfortable driving Priuses and other small low-power cars.
This sounds like it's gonna be a pretty decent rivalry between our two schools. Bring it on.