Club Member
Goddamnit. What the hell has happened to Buff football? I remember when CU was better than Alabam, USC, LSU. CU had one of the three baddest programs in the country, allongside miami and fsu.
Its too easy to blame it all on hawkins. That's pathetic. In my opinion, the two main causes are:
1.) sissification of Boulder in general. Its all marketing and 40 year old chicks pretending to be rock climbers. Boulder was not like this in Mac glory days. Its Disneyland for lesbians. (love you, ellen)
2.) cult of "swag" on campus rather than merit, work. A hip-hop song can only take you so far.
Maybe its something the City Counsel is doing to the water. What the **** do I know.
No reason to blame the lawyers on this one.