I'm laughing at the idiocy on the board. I'm sorry, but this is just ridiculous, do you really think that Askia is the past, present and future leader? All because of a few good games? (The streak was broken on the road as usual though 2/12 against WSU and 0/9 against Washington). Most of you really need to actually watch the games before commenting because if you think Askia's a leader, than you are clearly struggling mentally or extremely ill informed. Askia is a streak, unreliable, momentum player that can't even lead/control himself, let alone an entire basketball team. If our team is reduced to Askia leading it because of Spencer's injury, I'll pray for them. Not to mention, when it actually counts (aka close games against good teams) SPENCER is the one talking and giving orders, telling defensive positions and plays, guarding the best man etc. It doesn't take a lot of leadership to shoot 15+ shots a game with only about a 30% efficiency, if that. I'll pray for how they do against UCLA, but with Washington as the evidence of how our team plays without Spencer, I've almost lost all hope already. Please, do tell me more about how Askia is really the "leader of our team" because he talks a lot of trash against bad teams? Because he has the occasional good game? Sure, if that's what you think a leader is then by all means, Askia is our leader.