Tell your bro I want all the 12Pac channels.
He only deals with negotiations of acquiring programming not how it's distributed in each market.
Tell your bro I want all the 12Pac channels.
Since my little bro is Veep of programming acquisition at DTV does any one have any questions they want answered re: DTV negotiations with programming?
are they going to have a contract with the pac12 prior to the start of the college football season, and will it be available nationally for all dtv subscribers?
are they going to have a contract with the pac12 prior to the start of the college football season, and will it be available nationally for all dtv subscribers?
Well, holic, I will be right behind you in line to switch from Dish to DTV. The second the DTV deal is announced, I am on the phone to Dish telling them to eat a turd and then on to DTV. Nine years with Dish...way to go Charlie.
:thumbsup: you are the man.I am on DTV, so if you are not hooked up by then, mosey down and watch at my house.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
Same here- dish 10 years. I actually like them but this is a deal breaker for me. I'm going to call them today but I doubt my threat will make a difference. Hello dtv.
Sent DTV another email today re: PAC-12. :huh:
Thank you for writing to ask about Pac 12 Network. I am sorry to hear that you are considering another provider because of this.
DIRECTV is currently in discussions with the programmers but no decisions have been made at this time regarding carriage of Pac 12 Network. We hope to have an update closer to the start of the season in September.
We know you have a choice when it comes to your programming provider and we must work hard to earn your business. We are always reviewing our programming options to make sure we bring the best possible TV experience. In addition, I have forwarded your request to DIRECTV management. Rest assured every suggestion from our customers are reviewed to determine what changes should be considered.
Whenever we add channels to our lineup, we release a statement to the press. Please keep an eye on the news to find out about the newest channels or visit our web site at
I appreciate the opportunity to assist you today and we hope for your continued loyalty.
Wow, that was a quick response...
I don't know if I completely trust this site's info considering his source seems like some random website and not a more well known company.
I wouldn't completely trust it either, but dbstalk is a really plugged-in site. And actually I think his point could very well be true. I think (hope!) that pac12 network is working hard to be sure that at least once source will carry all the regionals. It looks like most of the olympic sports are on the regionals, and being here in san jose I'll miss CU volleyball, etc, that I was looking forward to being able to see (since I'm unlikely to be sitting watching it at work online live, dvr is probably more feasible), not to mention FB and BB games that will have conflicts. And DTV seems to be against having all 7 channels, which I can't quite understand since there are about 20 (formerly) fox sports channels which have way more crap on them. Dang it I hope this gets resolved, I hate to drop my dish for comcrap.
I called directv today and told them I was dumping them for Comcast. They delivered free sunday ticket for this year and made a guarantee that they thought this was going to get done by Sept. 1st. I told him i'll call back on Sept. 1st and to notate what they offered me. Done and Done. Come on DTV. Get your head out of your ***.
The sales lady at Comcast didn't know what the Pac-12 Network was either. She forwarded me to their "Loyalty" Department where I talked to Champagne (no, seriously...but I didn't ask if she worked anywhere else.). She was helpful and did some quick research. She said that the only 2 markets without it are Houston and the Twin Cities. She was elevating the request to her manager and that the more people who did that, the better chance that it would get added. So H-Town Buffs need to give Champagne a call....I called and the woman said she didn't know what the PAC-12 network was and didn't offer me any deals. Once I get cable connected I'm dumping them.
I get most of the Giants games on local TV here in SD anyway and they offer the Center Ice package.
The sales lady at Comcast didn't know what the Pac-12 Network was either. She forwarded me to their "Loyalty" Department where I talked to Champagne (no, seriously...but I didn't ask if she worked anywhere else.). She was helpful and did some quick research. She said that the only 2 markets without it are Houston and the Twin Cities. She was elevating the request to her manager and that the more people who did that, the better chance that it would get added. So H-Town Buffs need to give Champagne a call....
I knew I could count on you.On it. Like I needed an excuse to call Champagne.
I called and the woman said she didn't know what the PAC-12 network was and didn't offer me any deals. Once I get cable connected I'm dumping them.
I get most of the Giants games on local TV here in SD anyway and they offer the Center Ice package.
The sales lady at Comcast didn't know what the Pac-12 Network was either. She forwarded me to their "Loyalty" Department where I talked to Champagne (no, seriously...but I didn't ask if she worked anywhere else.). She was helpful and did some quick research. She said that the only 2 markets without it are Houston and the Twin Cities. She was elevating the request to her manager and that the more people who did that, the better chance that it would get added. So H-Town Buffs need to give Champagne a call....
Some Oregon fan and I are tag teaming Dish on Twitter. It's kind of fun.![]()