Photo: Cliff Grassmick
Ralphie V's first official run before the spring game on April 19, 2008 in Boulder.
Best play of the day? Try the one made by senior Zeb Kopasz. Don't recognize the name? He's the guy who managed to hang on to Ralphie after she dumped the rest of her handlers. Kopasz, who will graduate this spring with a degree in civil engineering, hopes to be able to return next fall and make one game-day run with Ralphie, who he helped train.
"All I could think of was, 'Don't let go,' " said Kopasz. "She knows when people have dropped off, and that just makes her speed up." ...
Can't wait for her to get bigger and faster!!!
Best Mascot in College Sports. What a show!
Damn.. that kid DID come really close to getting his head stomped in. We've gotta get those runners some cleats.
And what happens if that last dude did not hold on. Holy crap.
It's sad but true. This tradition will not last. :sad1:
I think they should wait untill she was a little heavier. That extra weight should slow her down some. But i think this tradition will last. No reason to freak out over one incident.
No, I'm not saying that it will end now. I'm just thinking it really is only a matter of time until something really bad happens - and then what? It's been pretty close a few times.
When has it been close other than Saturday? I can't think of a single time Ralphie IV did anything other than toss her head at one of the handlers during a couple runs throughout her career. Ralphie V will end up much the same way, she just needs to grow a little older and get used to big crowds.
Mind you, that was just her second run in front of a crowd, and they'll be careful with her until she's predictable (note that the only people on the field with her when she ran both times were her handlers, they kept the players, coaches, and cheerleaders back until she reached her trailer). We just need to find some faster, stronger Ralphie runners until that day comes.
When has it been close other than Saturday? I can't think of a single time Ralphie IV did anything other than toss her head at one of the handlers during a couple runs throughout her career.
And a serious one. As Jeff Tindall will tell you, working with Ralphie's a gas, but it ain't all fun and games. The senior handler was recently gored in her pen, so he's all about respecting Ralphie as the big, powerful, unpredictable animal she is.
"She put her head down when I got in the pen, and got her horns up between my legs and just kept coming," he says. "She missed my legs and everything, but she did some serious damage to my jeans."
Understood. I'm just pointing out that, once again, that was damn close. Can you imagine if Ralphie had lost that last handler and gone eight ball?
My group & I started speculating whether there were tranquilzer guns close by. Then we started thinking of the headlines of PETA with our tradition had we had to put her down (tranquilized, not killed) in front of all of the little kids. :sad1:
I agree though about your question of the tradition but I doubt it will come to that. I do think this puts into serious doubt her gameday debut at the Mile High Showdown though - I think she definitely needs some time to grow & slow....
I am going off memory here - but I thought I heard last fall that they were considering using Ralphie IV until Blackout was ready to run....
Am I way off base with this?