I’m assuming he’s not. Ashaad Clayton had been vocal on Twitter about the coaches sucking and he quit on his team going into a bowl game and I don’t see you lobbying for him to pound sand.
Each player has their own set of circumstances that warrants a unique response from the coaching staff.
This is spot on.
His history indicates a very troubled young man who has had some difficulties dealing with some serious challenges in his life, and in some cases created additional challenges in his life.
None of this excuses negative behavior but it does help to understand it and maybe even allow us to have a little compassion for the guy.
It is established that his grandmother was a key person in his life and her health situation impacted him significantly, Hard to imagine that doesn't still impact him greatly. Then add his own health situation and to a kid who's family guidance has been turned upside down and you can see where some erratic behavior would come from.
This event could very well spell the end of his time as a part of the CU football program. That's a big jump though when we don't even know what the event consisted of. It could be something serious with him instigating a conflict and violently resisting arrest as he tried to continue to go after the other person or in could be him getting into a verbal altercation and the officer seeing a very large young man who is angry decides to control the situation with an arrest and throws the resisting charge on when the large young man angrily asks him why he is being arrested for yelling back at someone.
I'm not saying that either of the above is what happened, only that we don't know, and until we do any judgement is pre-mature.
What I do know is that based on the information I have seen his behavior has been often irresponsible, unpredictable, unreliable, and I could see very irritating for coaches but none of it is close to the stuff that makes him a bad guy. He isn't going out beating up on women, breaking into apartments and trying to fence stolen computers, driving drunk, and all of the other sort of things that make him a menace to the community. Instead he just shows the behavior of a very confused young man who hasn't gotten himself together yet.
Bias admitted, I spent most of my adult life working with at-risk and troubled teens so I may be much more prone to look for the light at the end of the tunnel but it seems very premature to write this young man off based on our frustration with what is happening in the media with him now.