Because he's a CU verbal. Had he been a tOSU, USC, Bama, Auburn, or one of Rivals other large fanbases nothing would have been said. It's funny about the arm strength thing because he was being reported as having the strongest arm from a kneeing position. The mechanics thing is laughable to, Steve Young and Tebow didn't have great mechanics but they seem to have worked out at a higher level.
Well he did throw for 9285 Yds and 88 TDs in his college career although I guess some of it could be contributed to him being a running threat.Uh... tebow is not a passing qb.
Well he did throw for 9285 Yds and 88 TDs in his college career although I guess some of it could be contributed to him being a running threat.
The thing about the "chosen one" is that Ufla identified problems with his mechanics. There was an espin segment on the technology they were using, the drills he was doing, etc., in order to get the mechanics to improve. He spent, what, 4 years at Gainesville and is in his second year with the Broncs, and they're still working on the mechanics. Might be a lost cause (altho, I don't profess to be an expert, just a fan).
If the recruiting services knock Shane on his mechanics, well, then that's pretty lame. Hey, he's a high school senior. I think that he prolly has time to make some corrections, and hopefully he does while he's at CU. I think this kid has a chance to be special, no matter what the "recruiting" experts think.
Creatine will help with that.Not disagreeing, but when you are at the level he is rated, there is a lot of nit-picking that you shake your head at sometimes. I worry a whole lot more about Dillon's weight/build than I do his mechanics. Scherer will get that worked out while he redshirts. He is a really good QB prospect and I am happy to have him in the fold.
Not disagreeing, but when you are at the level he is rated, there is a lot of nit-picking that you shake your head at sometimes. I worry a whole lot more about Dillon's weight/build than I do his mechanics. Scherer will get that worked out while he redshirts. He is a really good QB prospect and I am happy to have him in the fold.
Alright that may be so but mechanics are a very coachable trait and to down rank him potentially because they're a little off as a 17 year old going into his senior season is a bit weird but many people, not just me believe that recruiting sites are biased towards the teams with the largest subscribing fanbases, and that was admitted a few years back if I remember correctly. It just strikes me as odd that someone who was ranked as the #7 overall QB in the Elite 11 will be downgraded. I don't think he'll lose his 4th star but will drop out of the 250.
I doubt he moves down much and I as said, really hard to complain about his Rivals rating right now since he is much higher on there than any other site. There may be some bias toward the bigger sites, but I also think it is a cop out for a lot of fans. There are several longtime posters on Buffstampede that think every single player we sign is really good and is "underrated".
If we get the players we want in this recruiting cycle, I doubt many fans are going to be complaining about the ratings/rankings. It is really not too hard to figure out the elite players.
If Rivals drops him a ways (outside the top 15 pro-style QBs), then there is major reason to complain IMO.
Mo', as usual thanks for bringing reality to the situation. I can't wait until we hear your unabridged opinions!I am sooooo biting a hole in my tongue right now cause there is ALOT I wanna say but need to wait until after signing day. What I will say is Rivals has set themselves as the standard, even above, so influence from other site rankings (from what i've seen) does not affect them nor their decisions. Example: i've seen athletes that have not run the camp circuit much this summer (which I thought was suppose to help adjust rankings) that have kept their rankings while others that have, and may've not had a great showing, have been downgraded. Pretty much on the national level, you have 1 analyst covering a region and if they are behind a kid they are behind them, and if they are not, they are not.
I've always thought that the rankings were based on college potential.You obviously know a lot more about QB ratings and rankings than I do, so please explain to me how they are supposed to rank a guy based on future coaching. In my ignorance, I assumed they only rated QBs on how they perform now.
Mo', as usual thanks for bringing reality to the situation. I can't wait until we hear your unabridged opinions!
I've always thought that the rankings were based on college potential.
Fair enough, but that implies coaching at the next level - wait, that must be how they justify higher rankings for successful teams - their guys are obviously going to be coached up!
Iowa is a damn good example of this.Like Creatini said.........thought rankings were based upon college potential. But I also thought that colleges picked athletes based upon how they fit into THEIR program. I know some do.........but you would be surprised on how many times i've heard from 3rd parties "well who wants them" or "whose offered them" or even "pick them up so nobody else gets them"........lord let me stop before I get in trouble. One of the best things I saw last season was a team that beat us. Read thru evals of the team prior to the game. Most consistent thing said was that the team didn't have those major standouts as individuals but that as a TEAM COLLECTIVE they were great at picking other teams apart. And they really were........ so that to me says its not always about getting that "top dawg" individually the eyes of others as it is getting the right group of athletes together to make a great team.
Iowa is a damn good example of this.
I forgot.....the HS team I was talking about was Coppell. Wanted to give them a big shout out because I really like their program.
Anyone else watching him on the Elite 11 thing on ESPN?