Most likely Oregon showed him a bunch of wins over the past few years, the facilities that Phil Knights money has built, and made him a bunch of promises about "We just need a TE like you to start throwing the ball to the TE 70 times a season"
If the kid thinks that Oregon is where he should go then I will respect that decision. HS kids aren't know for being the best decision makers but they have to start sometime. Would have liked to see him go to CU and that still might happen but it's his decision to make and for better or worse he gets to make it.
I think he would have had a much better experience at CU but quality kids make a good experience out of wherever they go. Now if CU loses out on a bunch of other Colorado kids then I will get pissed.
Recruting the best players should be the goal. After watching Colorado HS football in 2010, there aren't that many great players coming out in 2012 so far. But that can change with one more year of football to go.