I'm brand new here and am casting my votes now... but he's at 34.11%... I don't think it's gonna happen. We tried.
You must be new here. Vote until your pussy tightensI'm brand new here and am casting my votes now... but he's at 34.11%... I don't think it's gonna happen. We tried.
So, no to my previous request.You guys just let me know when you want to talk psychological warfare vs. the all out frontal strategy. I'm here for you.
Got home last night it was 31.43, we put it over 34. Got up this morning a little before 5 it was 30.77, we got it to about 32.5. This proves that can do this, we just have to take our voting seriously.32.69. Man, we have our work cut out for us.
32.69. Man, we have our work cut out for us.
Not a lot of votes right now because you can bump it pretty easy with a few votes. Could be a forum like ours or he could be getting some help from his school. Either way they are on it and pretty well organized. They start pushing back as soon as things start to move against their kid. I think it is going to be a fight and take a pretty strong effort from a bunch of committed voters to push this through.OU fans have something figured out here. Bots? Let's keep voting. Polley support will pick up from the Texans. Far from over.
I'm brand new here and am casting my votes now... but he's at 34.11%... I don't think it's gonna happen. We tried.
They said I got one wrong. "Up yours! That was most definitely a store front" Then they counted the vote anyway...Broke 40%...I'm sick of store fronts. BTW, can someone tell Under Armour it's "Buffaloes" not "Buffalos"?
I do enjoy drawing the lines around the planes!
I haven't been able to get that one to work on the ipad.I do enjoy drawing the lines around the planes!
I do enjoy drawing the lines around the planes!
I do a lot a stuff in the incognito window.40.57% now. I can certainly tell you guys are voting at the same time.
I finally received the waffles! Also getting to practice my Spanish with the store fronts is a nice added benefit.
In case people didn't know this as I just discovered it. In chrome. Just right click the link and select, "Open in incognito". As long as you close the incognito window after each vote it will allow to vote once you open it again.