Urge. to Kill. Rising.
Southwest has cancelled everything leaving after 6:10 - we rescheduled for 5:40. AM. SMH.If you are planning on flying to the tournament tomorrow, check your flights.
Frontier has not technically cancelled the flights yet AFAIK, but they just let me reschedule free of charge for Thursday AM, which should tell you how eager they are to get people off of those flights.
AKA, "The Buffs March to the Dance Classic"
Wrong CU, dammit!FYI Connor Vanover for the Cal Bears is Sean and Jeromy’s cousin at 7’2”. I know how much you guys miss me. Ha
FYI Connor Vanover for the Cal Bears is Sean and Jeromy’s cousin at 7’2”. I know how much you guys miss me. Ha
What if he is spending his own money for the room. Would that change your mind? His money, his choice. Now, you could still wonder about whether he’s grossly overpaid by the conference if he’s able to afford such opulence.Wow, self-absorbed idiocy. And someone who has no awareness beyond himself.
At a time of controversy and frustration, mr scott should have some awareness and book a $1,000 a night room, or perhaps $500/night.
Secondly.....I have been to Vegas about 14 times, ALWAYS for some type of biz conference. (Luckily twice coincided with P12 Tourney a mere 5 blocks away.) I was ALWAYS too busy either in meetings, dinners, receptions, and after social to even be in my room for anything more than sleeping. As the conference commish, with all of the games, events, constituent meetings, I'm guessing he is ONLY in his room to sleep. So there is zero need for a palace.
He is welcome to change my impression of him as becoming an idiot. My eyes and ears are open. Ask me in a month if he changed my mind.
In discussing CU chances of winning the Pac 12 tourney with a family member it occurred to me that their chances are diminished due to injuries and the academic suspension. So the Buffs have only 8 healthy scholarship players going into the Cal game. Playing four games in four nights looks like a though task at this time. Hope I am wrong.
What if he is spending his own money for the room. Would that change your mind? His money, his choice. Now, you could still wonder about whether he’s grossly overpaid by the conference if he’s able to afford such opulence.
Cal has played better lately, but that roster is still not good. We should hang a beating on them.Lines are finally out, Colorado favored by 10. That spread comes as a little surprise. Cal is figuring out, and playing well of late. I think we beat them, but not by 10.
Who is the coach from usc that looks like a Metallica roadie?
The CU ticket office might know. Might be worth a shot. 303-49-BUFFS or 800-87-BUFFSAnyone know if there’s a CU seating section? As luck would have it, last night I was asked to fill in at a conference on Thursday in Vegas. Just landed and looking for a ticket.
If he paid his own room fees, sure, my mind would be changed a bit. But not much in that it still shows his judgement and self-importance to require a huge palace when his time away from his room must be from 7 am to 10 pm.
Apparently he doesn't live by the oft-used standard of "never outclass your clients."
It's like if I drive to pick up one of my board of directors in a very expensive vehicle (far outclassing what my director might afford), might make them wonder if I'm being overpaid!
Haha. At the game, I was joking that must be the analytics guy because there's no way he ever played basketball.Who is the coach from usc that looks like a Metallica roadie?
I was thinking visiting lit professor from NYU or Berkeley or Team Step Dad Named Jeff...The way he was dressed in Boulder last week I commented that he looked like he should be managing an art gallery.
The way he was dressed in Boulder last week I commented that he looked like he should be managing an art gallery.