There should be a metric that includes performance against a better team, although the nuances of ‘final score’ are challenging. I like the effort to incentivize good competition vs padding the win column with guarantees. Will let you know when I figure out a better way. It is true that SC has no say over their conference schedule, and if their conference happens to be very good, they benefit without having taken any positive action.
That might be in the black box of the team value index, or whatever it's called; it might not, it's essentially proprietary/secret.
Net efficiency is basically scoring margin scaled to pace of play, it's computed by taking turnovers, rebounds, and shooting percentages to extrapolate points per possession.
The scoring margin directly used in the NET caps results at 10 points and considers OT games to be a 1 point margin no matter the final score.
The relative weights of the components of NET are unknown.