yes, next to none, state of the art.... as in new, modern, big, bells and whistles, bling bling. yes, up there with all you mentioned above. did I say best or better? is top 15 ok with you sweet pee?.... lets just fudge and say top 20, mkay?
the norm... hummm... how is the bubble coming?.... state of the art in latex baloons? the locker room is saweeet though right?.... nice rock wall and ****, is it on your list?... ouppps. nada. were there any B12N on your list?..... lets see, that would be a big fat nope. UT, aTm, OU, OU lite..... ND, UO, NC or whomever you wish to add next... some pretty tall timber, nice to be at least in the same forest. ya, know?
the rest of the ramble you have no answer for so that does make it a gem alright, you are correct. so, go ahead and LYAO.... I must admit, I am snickering right now as well.
I think NU will compete. will it be at the level of the 90's? no, I dont see how thats possible in todays scheme of things. can they be top 20? oh yea. Top 15?.... umm could be. Top 10?..would be a lofty goal. NC's? lighning has to strike somewhere..... when will all of this happen?... looks like it will be several years at best.... but how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time LB, one bite at a time.