Gotta love the internet... how should I respond to this? Should I write something completely childish like "I bet I make more money than you do!" Is that what you are looking for? The truth is I might make more or I might make less. I might make 10x as much but might be 10x unhappier (which is often the case). Who knows. All I can tell you is that:
- I was born, bred and raised in NYC. I currently reside in NYC
- I only applied to 2 schools: CU and the Univer. of Wisconsin-Madison
- I got into both and chose CU. UW was then and is now the better overall school. Thats not debatable.
- I was an english major and I graduated in 4 years with a 3.09 GPA. Not great, but I would have graduated with at least a 3.5 if I were a Comm or Soc major. That too is indisputable.
- I only took the math mods because I had to based on the math classes I took in high school. I am basically math illiterate and would probably have a hard time with math at a remedial/JUCO level school like CSU
- I dont regret for a second choosing CU over UW
- I would have the same exact level of success (or lack there-of :smile
today had I attended the "better" school.
- I graduated in 1996
That being said, as long as CU keeps the admissions standards relatively low for folks like me there will always be a huge dichotomy between the smart in-state kids and the out-of-state'ers. For that reason alone CU will never be considered a truly elite university. (in the aggregate, not for things like physics or whatever)