Listen up, Lynn Katoa.
This is some of that there Tough Love you've been hearing about.
You have been born with some talent and given some opportunity that few people get to experience. And no matter what you've heard about opportunity, some folks don't even get to hear it knock once.
So quit screwing around with your life. We, that is the entire Buff Nation, want to see you succeed. Yeah, we're selfish, because we want you to play for the best team in the country and we want to be part of that, but we want YOU to SUCCEED in your life.
That means every time you have to make a choice about doing the right thing or the wrong thing, you are going to have to stop right there and decide which path you want to be on.
Got it?
No more gray areas, cutting corners, slacking off, letting things slide. There are a LOT of people available to help you make it in school. You have more resources at your fingertips than 95% of the CU student body: tutors, advisors, counselors, coaches and teammates who will get you anything to assist, provided YOU do the work.
Quit messing around with anything dangerous and possibly illegal, anything that could throw you under the bus. You break the law, just know the very next strong wind that blows through Boulder is going to carry you away. There are people who claim to be your friends who are really just waiting for a chance to cut you down to size with a well-placed phone call or a photo on the net. And your options after this opportunity is blown will be much more stark and limited.
Don't do it.
Don't make stupid choices for the sake of the moment.
Get a role model, and I don't care if it's Yoda, or Jesus or the Dalai Lama or Coach Hawkins or your favorite pro player. But start thinking and acting like someone who gives a damn about his future. Surround yourself with friends and associates who also want to go somewhere and be someone. Take the high road. Take some responsibility, man.
Do it for all the people out there who wish they had the chance you have been given.