Well-Known Member
i was in section 120 row 17....right on the north goaline. anyway, there were about 5-6 NU fans in their early to mid 20s in front of us. everytime NU would score in the 2nd qtr they would turn around and yell "IT'S OVER....IT'S F***ING OVER MOTHERF*****S!!!"
they left early in the 4th.....cuz at that point IT WAS OVER!
then, as the BUFFS were coming out for the start of the 2nd half (we were coming back from the bathrooms and were waiting for the players to come out so we could head back up) some guy behind us was yelling "YOU SUCK" and at the CU players and then "NICE SKIRT ***" to cabral. i turned around, expecting to see another young guy, but this NU fan had to have been in his 40s. ugh.
other than that, i saw nothing but good exchanges between CU and NU fans.
heck, we even talked briefly with and shook T.O.'s hand.
I suppose that you didn't take a dump just prior to that and....didn't use toliet paper, but your shaking hand?? No?? Well, a Buff can dream...:lol: