Pac: we play one extra conference game.
Sec: ok
Pac: you should do the same.
Sec: it’s our conference, we are free to do what we want. We like how it is.
Pac: it’s not fair, though
Sec: we think we play tougher conference games, but why don’t you have one less if you’re so concerned?
Pac: cause it costs a bunch to schedule a body bag game out here and the fans don’t show for those games.
Sec: yeah, we don’t have that problem.
Pac: ok, keep your conference schedule, but play out of the region
Sec: why? Our fans like to drive to the games. It’s inexpensive and the tailgating is great.
Pac: F*** your fans, play outside the region
Sec: that doesn’t seem like a good strategy
Pac: you’re wrong, we screw our fans with bad time slots and inadequate tv distribution. Nobody seems to care.
Sec: umm, ok. Seems like a bad business model.
Pac: we signed the most lucrative media contract ever.
Sec: lots of years ago. Aren’t you last in the P5 tv money now?
Pac: temporarily. But Larry Scott is on it and we own our content.
Sec: great, we like our partnership with espn.
Pac: And all espn does is slobber all over you.
Sec: yeah, we like the attention. You could partner with espn too
Pac: screw that.
Sec: ok, we’re fine with that too. It’s your conference.
Pac: lets get back to how you should do things our way.
Sec: huh?
Pac: your scheduling is weak. You’re a fraud.
Sec: how so?
Pac: you mix in a weak opponent late in the year.
Sec: makes sense to heal up, and play our better rivalry games at full strength at the season end.
Pac: we don’t do that.
Sec: nobody is stopping you. It is your conference.
Pac: there isn’t anyone out here really to schedule and the fans aren’t showing up for that.
Sec: yeah, we don’t have that problem
Pac: you’re still a fraud.
Sec: but we keep winning national championships
Pac: with the weak schedule
Sec: it’s not weak, and we play head to head in the playoffs
Pac: that’s not the point
Sec: it isn’t?
Pac: you guys are a bunch of inbred morons who don’t understand a goddamn thing about running a conference
Sec: wow, that escalated quickly