OMG! Did you see what we did at the end of last year? Look at our youth. We are growing. We will only get better.Well it was both. Arizona looked the worst they have all season early in the first half and again most of the second half. Colorado on the other hand, seemed like they were playing absolutely lights out. I don't mean to take anything away from you guys, but that really looked like your absolute best game vs. our absolute worst for a while there. Colorado was hitting everything they threw up, from guys who normally don't hit shots like that. The fact that you still couldn't pull it off (setting aside the bad call for a moment) has to be a little concerning for the Buffs.
I doubt Colorado shoots that well or Arizona comes out that flat in their next meeting. But we'll see.
You needed an awful, nationally bashed call by the refs to beat us in your own building. Don't give me that BS.Well it was both. Arizona looked the worst they have all season early in the first half and again most of the second half. Colorado on the other hand, seemed like they were playing absolutely lights out. I don't mean to take anything away from you guys, but that really looked like your absolute best game vs. our absolute worst for a while there. Colorado was hitting everything they threw up, from guys who normally don't hit shots like that. The fact that you still couldn't pull it off (setting aside the bad call for a moment) has to be a little concerning for the Buffs.
I doubt Colorado shoots that well or Arizona comes out that flat in their next meeting. But we'll see.
True that. It's amazing how in the last 10 minutes the refs suddenly started calling a lot of touch fouls on us that they wouldn't have even called in the NBA. Interesting coincidence. I guess when our best players aren't playing, Arizona can start playing well against us.He is trolling now. Isn't it amazing how much better Arizona looked when we got in serious foul trouble
You know, it's funny how the reaction has changed since last year. When we beat them 2 out of 3, it was "good job and good luck, see you next year, maybe this will be a rivalry, etc." But after Thursday, I've seen a lot of excuses from the same “gracious" UofA fans, claiming CU played their game of the year, Arizona played awful, and citing missed calls by the refs (mainly when Dinwiddie fell). they're largely reluctant to give CU credit for playing a good game.He is trolling now. Isn't it amazing how much better Arizona looked when we got in serious foul trouble
There are a ton of Colorado fans in Arizona. Tucson is a 12 or 13 hour drive. Great place to go in the winter. I could get down with a nice little rivalry with them. Plus, my wife is a UofA grad and all the in laws live in Tucson/Sierra Vista.Rivalries are most effectively created when you play a number of close, meaningful games against an opponent. A rivalry with UA appears to be in its infancy. We could do a lot worse.
I didn't really feel all that bad about the refs most of the game. We looked tired and slap happy towards the end of the game and struggled with cutting down on passing lanes and dribble penetration, which almost always ends up in fouls. There were a few momentum/hometown calls but I'm sure we received some beneficial stuff throughout that I didn't notice because I am a homer.
It's no doubt frustrating to lose that way, from us choking to the refs overturning with "indisputable" evidence a call that looked to have evidence of a make instead. But if you told any of us before the game that we'd take Arizona to OT on the road, in a game that we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory blowing a double digit lead late, we would have all gladly accepted that. Lots of positives from this game and we have no excuse if we don't come out with the same intensity in our other conference road games. Also, <3 Scott. Absolutely my favorite player already.
I know this has been discussed ad nauseum, but because it’s still getting brought up...where did this perception come from that the refs missed the call on Chen’s shot? I'm yet to see a video or photo which definitively shows the ball out of Chen's hand before the clock hits zero. Now conversely there is nothing out there that definitively shows the ball still on his fingers at zero; point is that it was a very close play, probably as close as could possibly be, and was inconclusive either way. We weren't screwed, we were just on the wrong side of a 50/50 call. What was most upsetting to me about this game wasn't the call at the end, it was the fact that we blew a 10 point lead with 1:45 left. But that sequence was largely forgotten in the hoopla of the final play. The last 2 minutes of that game were a clinic on how to blow a seemingly comfortable lead. Link below is a two frame clip of what I think is the best look at the shot. Would be helpful to have one more frame between the ones that are shown.
agreed video was inconclusive. However the refs called it good on the floor and then went to review that call. If video evidence is inconclusive, then the original call stands. The refs overturned the call without sufficient evidence. That is how we got screwed.
You can clearly see space between Chen's fingers and the ball at 0.0 right after 0.1...
It's a call where you leave it what it was called on the court, which was a made basket.Yes, it's out at zero, but it has to be out before zero. We also don't know the image is the exact time the clock hit zero, it jumps from one frame to another, hence me saying it would be helpful to have a frame between those two. And if it was in fact at zero even a couple hundredths of a second before the frame that is shown then the ball conceivably could have still been on his fingers considering that its only about 1 cm off. All the semantics aside, again point is that it's too close to call conclusively.
Unless sabatino has 5in finger nails, the ball is off. We got robbed. it happens. The sports nations knows that we did. The wildcats know we did. Hell even Sean Miller knows we did. Its just one of those things that you deal with.
It's a call where you leave it what it was called on the court, which was a made basket.
Oh damn really? Why didn't you say so earlier? You and your impeccable logic and intricate examination into the shot could have single-handily ended the national debate around whether or not it was good.
Look at the video clip on the top of the page. The ball is indisputably still on his fingers at .1
Pretty sure the "national debate" concluded it was off. Also pretty sure it is "single-handedly," but knock yourself out bro. With all of your "logic," I'm actually laughing my ass off you even spelled "logic" right.
From past experience on here, when a dispute devolves into someone criticizing my spelling/grammar, it's just a pretty good sign that I've won the argument.
That all you got, or will there be any actual evidence proving the shot was good?
No the .gif only shows his hand is behind the ball.