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CSU at Mile High is now the 2nd game for the Rams

Good or bad for CU that the Rams are playing an opener vs OSU ahead of the RMS?

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BOAT RACE BY THIRD QTR..... must be nice throwing up Xbox numbers against defenses in the Mountain West that are ranked almost dead last
If we think CU is trying to give a positive slant on everything, you need to read this article. Wow
The ewes are a little too caught up in their own hype. I'd expect a true freshman QB say the type of stuff Bobo was saying, not their HC.
Damn that sucks for him, I said last year when he was first diagnosed that he would transfer somewhere at sea level and it appears he should have. Awful to hear though, he seems like a good guy and great leader.
Lost their starting LB to blood clots. Weakside getting weaker.
****; I think they were really depending on him. I read an article glowing about how much maturity and leadership he brought to the defense. Guess that doesn't apply now. That really sucks for them and him.

in regards to that Coloradoan article, what the **** does this mean?

"We've got a lot of guys that have a lot of experience, and that's allowing them to coach the younger guys up, because we need a lot of younger guys playing this year. So that's going to help a lot of guys to play faster, knowing their responsibility and doing their jobs."

So... they have so many older guys... that can coach.... but they need younger guys to play... because the older guys suck?

Also, they are talking about Marty English running a 3-4 "for the second season"- he's been there for like 6 years, right? Why switch to the 3-4 now?
He didn't play last year so not really a loss since it was a longshot he would play again. He would havr been their best LB though
Thinking about the old saying "your biggest improvement happens between the first and second game." I'd been thinking that gave CSU the advantage. But now I'm thinking one part of the reason for that is that after the first week of the season, you'd have a scouting report on your next opponent. So, if that is the case, that would give us the advantage. Amirite?
Thinking about the old saying "your biggest improvement happens between the first and second game." I'd been thinking that gave CSU the advantage. But now I'm thinking one part of the reason for that is that after the first week of the season, you'd have a scouting report on your next opponent. So, if that is the case, that would give us the advantage. Amirite?
Seems like a wash to me. Much ado about nothing really.
Thinking about the old saying "your biggest improvement happens between the first and second game." I'd been thinking that gave CSU the advantage. But now I'm thinking one part of the reason for that is that after the first week of the season, you'd have a scouting report on your next opponent. So, if that is the case, that would give us the advantage. Amirite?
Plus the short week is our advantage. There's a great read on this. Page one of this thread.
Plus the short week is our advantage. There's a great read on this. Page one of this thread.
Looked for the great read. All I could find were inane, short posts on the subject. What "great read" were you referring to?
Thinking about the old saying "your biggest improvement happens between the first and second game." I'd been thinking that gave CSU the advantage. But now I'm thinking one part of the reason for that is that after the first week of the season, you'd have a scouting report on your next opponent. So, if that is the case, that would give us the advantage. Amirite?

If OSU can run at will on CSU they are going to have to pray they can get in a shootout with everyone. We'll line them up 4 wide, spread them out and run Lindsay all day...CSU will have to open entire playbook to beat Beavers....nothing to hide
If OSU can run at will on CSU they are going to have to pray they can get in a shootout with everyone. We'll line them up 4 wide, spread them out and run Lindsay all day...CSU will have to open entire playbook to beat Beavers....nothing to hide
My biggest hope for the RMS is that CU's OL is able to take control of the game. The odds of that happening go way up if OSU's OL is able to beat them up and wear them down ahead of a short week.
My biggest hope for the RMS is that CU's OL is able to take control of the game. The odds of that happening go way up if OSU's OL is able to beat them up and wear them down ahead of a short week.

For sure....I have never felt more confident in our entire Offense than now...our D may have taken a half step back but the talent is there and the cupboard is NOT bare....watch the RMS from last year... in the 3rd qtr every attempt to Gallup, Oliver has been covering him. He is either stride for stride or beating him down the field on deep balls. Gallup will be a non factor unless they move him in motion and get him matched up on a safety. If Oliver is covering him he won't get much.

Offense looks strong while their defensive line and secondary look like massive liabilities. Not really earth-shattering.
OL looks like a typical CSU OL. That's one thing they do well up there. We are going to have to keep our DL fresh. Linebackers need to be sharp.
That DL will be boom or bust on running plays. Will wear down quick. Our OL better be consistent, especially in the second half, or we will need to seriously reevaluate the season
Dline seems small
I had a post typed up to that regard in response to @Buffnik's earlier post, but noticed that they have some underclassmen (who typically have BAD weight, but still) who run north of 320.

that said, none of them are in the two deep, and they only have one guy north of 280 (in a 3-4!!!) For comparison, CU expects to start everyone on the OL except the center at least at 290. IF the OL doesn' push their DL around, it could be a pretty strong negative sign early.
OL looks like a typical CSU OL. That's one thing they do well up there. We are going to have to keep our DL fresh. Linebackers need to be sharp.
I think their OL should be solid, BUT why do they have 3 players listed at 1st string at three different positions? Shouldn't you have at least the starting 5 solidified at their positions the week of the first game?