Club Member
The entire point that the Fire Hawkins nw mob fails to even recognize, is that there is more than 1 way to skin a cat.
No one, I know of is defending Hawkins performance. However, throwing in the towel is not always the best thing to do. There are times when programs have reaped the benefits of staying that 1 extra year.
To act as if the ONLY way out of this mess to start all over again, may or may NOT be accurate. Unless someone here can see into the future, none of us know what will happen next year with a NEW coach or the existing coach.
Why some can't have a healthy debate on the pro's and con's without getting personal is beyond me.
You mean like referring to people who disagree as the Fire Hawkins now "mob"???? If so, I agree... :huh:
Seriously? Stoops lost less games in his first FOUR years than Hawk lost in his FIRST year. I would think Sooner Nation felt pretty good about Bobby after the first four, especially since he pulled an MNC out of his hat in year two.
I think they mean MIKE Stoops....