Klatt also says that he believes that college football will be better as a result of all of this.
I do not agree.
I also do not agree, and don't understand how all of this increases any fan's enthusiasm for the sport.
In all of this conference realignment, there is no discussion of paying players by the Universities. The players continue to be viewed as financial assets which do not deserve any consideration of the huge sums of money being bandied about. The Universities claim poverty when the idea of paying players is ever raised:
there's no way we could afford to pay players, that would cost us X more than we have. Ok. If you can't pay the players and put the product on the field, shouldn't that be part of the financial discussion about being paid to put the product on the field?
Not every player will get NIL money--none of which comes from the Universities, and all which is entirely separate from the pool of money being discussed in all of these conference moves. College Football is not (and should not be) an "amateur" sport (note: it kills me that what Kavanaugh writes constitutes any form of "law" in this country, but there it is, and it was a 9-0 decision):
"The NCAA's business model would be flatly illegal in almost any other industry in America," Justice Kavanaugh wrote--concurring--in
Alston. "It is highly questionable whether the NCAA and its member colleges can justify not paying student athletes a fair share of the revenues." Yes, the assertion is clearly dicta, but the situation is so clear even the rabidly pro-business side of the Court expresses it.
As much as everyone gives the NCAA a hard time (very rightfully so), the Universities are also truly greedy bastards in all of this. I would be far more interested in conference realignment if it meant players were going to get
any share of those revenues. This is all just moving money around among business entities that aren't on the field, taking the physical damage, and dealing with the risks of long-term injury and impairment.
All of which makes me less enthusiastic about the results of all of this: the picking and choosing of long-term winners on the football field by the movement of money between greedy non-players off the field.
Just one fan's thoughts in the midst of the maelstrom of perspectives.