The money already has killed CFB. At least, killed it in the sense that it was reasonably untainted by strictly monetary concerns. I mean, when you have suffered the indignity of the Cheez-It Bowl, the Poulan-Weedeater Independence Bowl and the Beef O'Brady Bowl, your soul was sold a long time ago.Based upon your above clarifications, you and I agree more than we disagree. You're right, that many of these kids do decide to take this route on their own....but an 18 yo kid is usually naive to the realities of what they're getting themselves in to. That's why I used the hypothetical, hindsight scenario.
I just have a problem with those that say "A free education should be enough for these kids". That was true for a long time, but in todays current environment, when there is SO much damn money being shared amongst everyone except for the guys putting the ass on the line, it no longer holds water. I think everyone needs to be very careful about how this is approached so as to not kill college football, but that doesn't change the fact (in my opinion) that the current set up is inherently unfair and unsustainable.
Players now skip bowl games for NFL money. Games are played at ridiculous hours, and sometimes ridiculous days, to accommodate TV revenue. The on-campus experience is now pre-packaged, managed and the crowds herded and fleeced at a clip only slightly less obnoxious than the NFL.
The bowl system, quirky, flawed and the font of endless argument over who was really #1, has been discarded. Goofy or not, that system made CFB unique, but that has been packaged and turned out on the metaphoric street corner for the TV pimp who demands a playoff and a real, quantifiable and marketable champion.
You might as well pay the players.
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