Just keep goin, one day you may be close.
ordinarily, i wouldn't advocate it, because of the germs thing, but, son, you may need to just go ahead and pay for sex. it might relieve a lot of that pressure you are feeling.
Just keep goin, one day you may be close.
he just needs a girl friend. once he loses his virginity, he'll be less of a douchebag poster to people who have been attending CU games and supporting CU financially for many decades longer than said douchebag has been on this earth.
i think as one gets older, and life turns into 9-5 m-f, you look forward to the release that is saturday football. when you can't even enjoy that day, and it actually ruins the time you get off it hurts even more.
I don't know, but you might want to start with getting a better job, or least a worse one that you like more. If CU football is the highlight of your week, yikes.
Vaguely related side story: every week my wife asks me the score of the CU game then says, "Oh. I'm sorry." Then on Sunday morning she asks - minus the sarcasm font: "How'd CU do?" Like she didn't understand the relevance of the score from the night before. I've come to see that in its own perverse way this is actually kind of funny. We are doing penance for something.
I hate your wife. No offense.
i love my job, but damn right i look forward to saturdays more than any other day. plus, that post was meant for the 35 year olds.I don't know, but you might want to start with getting a better job, or least a worse one that you like more. If CU football is the highlight of your week, yikes.
Vaguely related side story: every week my wife asks me the score of the CU game then says, "Oh. I'm sorry." Then on Sunday morning she asks - minus the sarcasm font: "How'd CU do?" Like she didn't understand the relevance of the score from the night before. I've come to see that in its own perverse way this is actually kind of funny. We are doing penance for something.
i love my job, but damn right i look forward to saturdays more than any other day. plus, that post was meant for the 35 year olds.
I have been a Buff fan since the day I set foot on campus in 1987.
But watching the team get their butts kicked over and over and over on the road, suffering through four years of D II ineptitude, and then seeing another blowout has just about done it for me.
Maybe I'll feel differently by Saturday....:huh:
Originally Posted by BuffarinoI have a good friend who is an OU grad and season ticket holder (he lives in Dallas now). He and his friends often thank John Blake because that is how they were able to get season tickets. There was no wait list back in those days like there is now. Tickets were plentiful. I went to an OU/NU game in Norman back in 1996 or so. The stadium was half empty.
Half empty for a game against Nebraska? Wow. Makes me wonder what programs around the country are guaranteed to sell out games (or get very close to sell outs) no matter how bad things get. I'd have to think Nebraska would sell out games no matter what. Maybe Texas A&M? Alabama? Ohio State? Pretty sure none of the Pac-12 schools fit the bill.
I have a solution to your problem.........................Think about becoming a HUSKER FAN! Wear Red for a day, that will do it for you. Remember! Once you go Red you will never go back!
he is not a good candidate. His iq is not in the single digits and his family tree isn't a totem pole. He just wouldn't fit in with you losers.
Once you go Red you will never go back!
lol...that may be ,but you gave me that great recommendation for the tapas bar for wife's b-day, and you were nice to my kid at the tailgate last year, so at the end of the day you are OK in my book.lefty you and i rarely see eye to eye... but you are probably the last person who should have his buff fandom questioned... ps i was there with you on sat... it felt like 5 year of hawkins soul crushing came back in one single moment...
Thought about, but couldn't do it, I don't have a sister to marry and my first cousins are all ugly....I have a solution to your problem.........................Think about becoming a HUSKER FAN! Wear Red for a day, that will do it for you. Remember! Once you go Red you will never go back!
I've only made it through the first 20 or so posts in this thread so I don't know where it has gone in the next 100 posts but Lefty, I was having the same thoughts.
On Saturday, my daughter asked me whether I thought CU would win. I answered that I sure hoped so, but probably not.
She followed with... "So why did we drive 10 hours to see them lose?" I didn't really have a rational answer... I have been infected by CU Football, been that way since the Bill Mallory days. (side note: My memories of Bill Mallory were less than good... I looked at the records; I would take any of his seasons right about now).
My son remarked after the game that he wished his team (CU) would be expected to beat a ranked team. I said, we used to and will again I'm sure.
During the game, very frustrating I had the thought of why did I put forth more effort getting to this game than this team seems to put in during the game. "Why did I just spend $70/ticket for 7 tickets, two hotel nights and gas for ~1000 miles of driving for this?" No rational expaination, just a fan.
Colorado football has for most of my memory been one of those things that tied my family together. No rational explanation, just fans.
Sure it is painful, but so were the Fairbanks years and the beginnings of the Mac years. We made it through those dark years, we can make it through these.
One more tidbit... I was so proud of my oldest daughter yesterday. She said that she was way too much of a CU fan; she said it developed her hatred for red. :smile2:
Re-read this thread...sorry I started it. I figured AB was as good a place as any to vent since my wife is sick of hearing about it, hell, I'm sick of saying it. I keep telling myself better days are ahead, I believe they are, I'm just impatient and tired of watching the same old, same old week in and week out.
What have we learned? A lot of us are tired of the same things, as much as we hate the current state of affairs (another 1-3 start), we aren't going anywhere.
We have also reconfirmed that the myth of the superfan, and the superfan hall monitor, are alive and well on AB...and nobody gives a **** what they think for the most part.
Yeah, I thought we had improved a little every game and was hoping it would continue. But I also knew there was a possibility of a blow out. OSU has a ton of talent and got stung the week before. Never a good formula for the opposing team.I think Saturday was so bad because I think a lot of us felt that we'd see some signs of life, surprise a few people and keep it close. We didn't even come close to covering the spread.
Ok guys, I gotta chime in here, because if anyone can relate to the OP posters feelings outside CU fans it would have to be WSU fans. We rattle off 3 10 win seasons back to back, 3 top 10 finishes. Best time ever to be a Coug fan (outside maybe 1997 RB year). The feeling when Doba was fired and Wulff hired was that we would see a down trend for a season, maybe two.....not so fast. The past few years have seen us come close to losing against a FCS team, and get regular 50 point beat downs by most other team all the while rarely looking competent for more than a couple plays a game.Very hard to root for a team than needs a 21 point 4th QTR comeback to knock off Montana State. That said, our program was in shambles with attitudes and talent defficiencies everywhere. None of us knew the depths the program had fallen too. After these beatings you often see Coug fans eating their own on message boards. You are either classified as negative if you question the direction, or sunshine and loli pops if you have a positive slant. Most of us now think that the Cougs will turn the corner this year, but we still do not know that for sure. I remember my wife (UF grad) wondering why people were still showing up to watch this team get beat silly every week. It is hard to understand that when you burn a program to the ground it takes a whiule for it to get back to decent. I just want to say stick with your team, better times are ahead. Inexperience kills, and you have a bunch of that right now. You are not (from the outside looking in) in as bad of shape as WSU was, so hopefully you can pull it back together more quickly. recruiting and experience can go a long way toward respectability.
Very hard to root for a team than needs a 21 point 4th QTR comeback to knock off Montana State.
You call yourself a Cougar fan? I really question your committment.
Back to back hilarity...ymssrr, second day in a row I'm out of rep before noon.You guys BEAT Montana State??
Ah ****, we're ****ed....![]()
You call yourself a Cougar fan? I really question your committment.
See the first page of thread for further information.?
I suppose I missed something?