let's get LSU back on the sched :lol:Maybe we can play Fresno State some more. Can't get enough of those Bulldogs.
let's get LSU back on the sched :lol:Maybe we can play Fresno State some more. Can't get enough of those Bulldogs.
This is exactly what is wrong with cfb! Here everyone is belly-aching about having to play a tough opponent instead of relishing in the opportunity to play a storied team in a great college town.
College football sucks from Sept 1 until conference play begins because teams have too much to lose by scheduling good teams. And the fans are now clamoring for these patsy match ups. "oh gees, if only we could play 2 Div II teams and 2 directional colleges, our conference schedule is hard enough and besides everyone else is doing it and they still play in BCS games."
F*** the BCS! You should be outraged for the level your sport has fallen to if you find yourself actually justifying that you would rather us play a MAC team instead of an SEC team. I understand the argument, but the argument just makes me that much sicker. The BcS is a farce and you here defending your right to play a directional A&M barber college are all complicit in the charade.
This is exactly what is wrong with cfb! Here everyone is belly-aching about having to play a tough opponent instead of relishing in the opportunity to play a storied team in a great college town.
College football sucks from Sept 1 until conference play begins because teams have too much to lose by scheduling good teams. And the fans are now clamoring for these patsy match ups. "oh gees, if only we could play 2 Div II teams and 2 directional colleges, our conference schedule is hard enough and besides everyone else is doing it and they still play in BCS games."
F*** the BCS! You should be outraged for the level your sport has fallen to if you find yourself actually justifying that you would rather us play a MAC team instead of an SEC team. I understand the argument, but the argument just makes me that much sicker. The BcS is a farce and you here defending your right to play a directional A&M barber college are all complicit in the charade.
Take this for what is worth but this thing will not seem to die and the smoke won't go away. Once again there is new chatter about playing Ole Miss in Dallas. However, both Plati and Bohn have directly addressed this and denied it.
There has also been some rumblings that Miami of Ohio wants out of the game. This would make more sense. They are already playing Northwestern, Boise State and Cinncinati. They have already collected their check for coming to Colorado.
Therefore we are looking for other alternatives, hence a neutral site game in one of our recruiting hot beds that will certainly get TV coverage and cost less than a straight road trip.
Of course Bohn and Plati are going to flat out deny the rumors. They have to until the deal is finalized. There is no such thing as almost pregnant.
If the Miami game were to change, I would want another home game against Tennessee Technical School for the Blind, not against an SEC team.
This is exactly what is wrong with cfb! Here everyone is belly-aching about having to play a tough opponent instead of relishing in the opportunity to play a storied team in a great college town.
College football sucks from Sept 1 until conference play begins because teams have too much to lose by scheduling good teams. And the fans are now clamoring for these patsy match ups. "oh gees, if only we could play 2 Div II teams and 2 directional colleges, our conference schedule is hard enough and besides everyone else is doing it and they still play in BCS games."
Sometimes YES: In 1990, we lost and tied two OOC opponents, Tennessee and Illinois. But because we beat Texas and a decent Stanford team, and because Tennessee and Illinois were highly ranked, we overcame and won it all.Buttermaker said:If you lose one game OOC you can still survive if you show well in your conference. Particularly if your OOC opponent proves to be quiet formidable.
Once again, I admire your passion, but last time I checked, we are playing WVU in Morgantown next year. Cal and UGA in two years. NOBODY wants to play a KjSU schedule around here. I think most just want to see a schedule in line with current top-tier BCS schools: one OOC matchup against a strong BCS opponent (ex. OSU/USC), a rivalry game if out of conference (GT/UGA, FLA/FSU/MIA) and two much weaker opponents. I think this is the model the BCS is producing. If you lose one game OOC you can still survive if you show well in your conference. Particularly if your OOC opponent proves to be quiet formidable.
The reason why I justify playing lower division teams has nothing to do with the BCS or following the Jawhawks model of getting to a BCS bowl. It has more to do with the fact that my favorite team seems to: A) Wahhhh B) Sniffle, Sniffle C) Wahhhhhhhh D) Nobody loves me E) Bbwahhhhhhhhh.
It is the model the BcS is producing and it is crap. Up until 2006 the Buffs had never faced a Div II school. Year in and year we have always lined up against the best competition across the country and held our own. No team is going to win every game. And as we have all painfully learned, no opponent is ever going to just lay down and give us a win.
I just hope the attitude of the players is that they can line up across from any team in the nation and feel like they can do more than just compete. If anyone feels like they can take a week off by playing against the Central Kentucky Deaf Cosmotoligist Academy then they are probably not ready to wear the Black and Gold. That ain't Colorado football brother.
Since the 2000 season CU has LOST to: Washington, Southern California(X2), Washington State, Florida State (X3), Miami, FL, Arizona State (X2), and Georgia. More than half of these games were blowouts
Since 2000 CU has beaten......UCLA (X2), Washington State, and West Virginia. Other than the one UCLA game....these victories were won in the 4th quarter which means they could have gone the other direction just as easily.
Where do you see that we are holding our own?
CU Football is on a thin line between sinking and swimming. Use the cupcakes to build momentum, get the name back out there, AND THEN start chest pounding, Don't take on all comers when you got WR's running 5.2 40's.
Nothing to do with the BCS
This is exactly what is wrong with cfb! Here everyone is belly-aching about having to play a tough opponent instead of relishing in the opportunity to play a storied team in a great college town.
College football sucks from Sept 1 until conference play begins because teams have too much to lose by scheduling good teams. And the fans are now clamoring for these patsy match ups. "oh gees, if only we could play 2 Div II teams and 2 directional colleges, our conference schedule is hard enough and besides everyone else is doing it and they still play in BCS games."
F*** the BCS! You should be outraged for the level your sport has fallen to if you find yourself actually justifying that you would rather us play a MAC team instead of an SEC team. I understand the argument, but the argument just makes me that much sicker. The BcS is a farce and you here defending your right to play a directional A&M barber college are all complicit in the charade.
AMEN, brutha, great post! :thumbsup: But where the **** were you when I was making this argument the other day?
To be among the best you have to play the best. Why even watch a game against a cupcake?
Says the fan whose team stayed home during bowl season....
What is the logic behind your rant? Would you be willing to risk a good record, a bowl game, and a chance to attract some better recruits just to have the odds stacked against you for a chance to pull a major upset. You watchin too many Rocky movies. The SEC is a killer conference - it can eat the Big 12 North for a snack. I like your attitude , but you talkin about putting up boys against men.When did I criticize the Buffs EVER??? I support the Buffs win or lose.
Don't project your bull**** on me bud.
It is unfortunate that the possibility exists that we will lose, but I'm a college football fan. I would rather see my team in exciting games the nation will watch than worry at the end of the year it has a chance of keeping us from a bowl that no one will watch. I get that you don't agree, it's cool.
What is the logic behind your rant? Would you be willing to risk a good record, a bowl game, and a chance to attract some better recruits just to have the odds stacked against you for a chance to pull a major upset. You watchin too many Rocky movies. The SEC is a killer conference - it can eat the Big 12 North for a snack. I like your attitude , but you talkin about putting up boys against men.
In time, this could happen - this ain't the time - we still need some bullets. The attitude thing is fine, but your'e talking about a team that barely got by Iowa State. Dude - _uckin Ole Miss ain't Iowa State. Coach Mac said 4 or more years minimum to get things turned around.EXACTLY! :thumbsup:
See that highlighted word. Think about it. A win against the SEC is just another win against just another team. The Buffs ain't Rocky and this ain't the movies. This team is oh so close to greatness. I can feel it. Frankly, I could care less if we played Ole Miss, Miami (OH or FL) or whoever, but the attitude should always be that we will win. You can't climb a mountain if you keep telling yourself you can't, its too big, its too hard, I should cllimb a hill first. That ain't how s*** gets done. So keep telling yourself we can't. Keep believing it ain't possible. I'll pump sunshine twice as hard!! And when we finally make it up to the top, I promise I won't say I told you so.
What is the logic behind your rant? Would you be willing to risk a good record, a bowl game, and a chance to attract some better recruits just to have the odds stacked against you for a chance to pull a major upset. You watchin too many Rocky movies. The SEC is a killer conference - it can eat the Big 12 North for a snack. I like your attitude , but you talkin about putting up boys against men.
Sooo, forgo the national attention and prestige (and potential reward)obtained in a big OOC game to give yourself a better shot at an appearance in the Houston Bowl? :lol: Which opportunity presents the better opportunity to jettison CU back into the national stage? Which do you think would garner more attention for the program? Which would hold more interest for college football fans?
It is unfortunate that the possibility exists that we will lose, but I'm a college football fan. I would rather see my team in exciting games the nation will watch than worry at the end of the year it has a chance of keeping us from a bowl that no one will watch. I get that you don't agree, it's cool.
I get that you like the tough schedule, as well.
What I don't understand is people who bitch about the coaches when the schedule that is put before them is damn near impossible before the season even begins. Coaches making 3x the salary Dan Hawkins is making don't schedule the way CU does.
You pu**ies! Man up. I hope the actual team isn't as chicken **** as you all. "Oh no, not the big bad SEC. wahhh wahh." Screw that. Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime. Should be the attitude from the AD down to the guy selling sodas at the games. And especially from the fans. Ole Miss better strap it on. These Buffs will show them what smashmouth BXII football is all about.
F all you **ssy a** wannabe fair weather, rather schedule ala KSjU than play a BCS contender, pretenders. Check the dryer, you panties are finished.
It was an excellent move to drop LSU
Worst move EVER. I lost a lot of respect for our scheduling when we tucked tail and ran from LSU.
Worst move EVER. I lost a lot of respect for our scheduling when we tucked tail and ran from LSU.
Why? We got a 2 and 1 deal from Fresno St. We starting to get back to a point where we schedule from position of strength rather than weakness. We no longer have to take any money deal that comes down the pipe.
I get that you like the tough schedule, as well.
What I don't understand is people who bitch about the coaches when the schedule that is put before them is damn near impossible before the season even begins. Coaches making 3x the salary Dan Hawkins is making don't schedule the way CU does.