Pointing out CU's record against UGa, FSU, ASU, and to some degree UCLA and USC has as much to do with the so-called scandal of the GB era as it does forecasting Hawkin's chances against these same top shelf opponents.
The most boring game I've seen was CU -v- New Mexico State. Zzzzzzzzzz.
Being a college fan includes going to Bowl Games and catching the team play on the road. Dropping LSU home and away for a 2-1 with Fresno is an economic choice that, at best, addresses a cash flow need. At worst, CU gets punked (again) by the Bull
The opportunity to watch the Buffs play in Tiger Stadium is rare. It is very rare. It may or may not happen in our lifetimes. Life is too short to play Fresno State 6 times in a 25 year period, while walking away from one of the most appealing venues in the nation.
Dropping LSU was a mistake IMO.
Buffsyko - if you end up traveling to see the Buffs play in the Imperial Valley, enjoy the corndogs.