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Official Colorado vs. Oregon game thread

Right front. Nix is playing like a heisman quarterback. UO backs run hard and smart. Receivers are getting open. O line is handling CU D-line.

Same story on the other side of the ball. This Oregon team is not getting boat raced by any team, they will compete to make the CFP. I don’t see a big weakness on this Oregon team. Still **** Dan lanning to the moon and back. Little bitch.

I'm not sure how you could think that. Dude fired up his team with the points that everyone in the country was thinking. That's damn good coaching as far as I'm concerned
In the short term, yes it is
He has only been the coach there for 2 years
He has to adapt to the BIG10
We shall see where things go from here
Doesn't matter now, but does anyone know what why McCaskill wasn't in there today? I haven't seen Howell or Adam say anything about it
@The Alabaster Yak

What did 2 need to do on 3rd down
He was dead to rights no matter what, but he did something uncharacteristic of himself on that play by not recognizing where the blitzer was coming from & then scrambling into it. Sack's not in any way his fault, but I bet he'll be upset with himself in film room.