If that is what you think I am saying you have trouble reading. We are talking narrowly about college recruiting.
I realize many of you are sales professionals and you see the world only through that prism, but salesman does not equal college recruiter. If you want a better comparison probably the best is corporate recruiter. If you are considering a job between Google, Yahoo or some start-up called Duck-Duck-Go the recruiter for each of those companies has a marginal affect on your decision. You care about the position offered, the people you will work with, how it will affect your career and the brand of the company. You care that your friends and family will recognize and be amazed by where you work, and even more so when you are younger.
Kids who want to play college football are the same if not more so. The on-the-field record, the style of football played, your potential teammates, your shot at making it to the next level, the whole coaching staff, the facilities, the academics...all together that is your brand. You also have the recruiter that calls you and shows you the love. That guy has to be very competent, but above a certain level, I just don't think it moves the needle that much.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, agrees that recruiting is a massively important ingredient to building a successful program. So don't try an pretend that I am somehow arguing that recruiting isn't important. I am simply pointing out that brand comes first and this fantasy that many of you have that we can hire some magical recruiter position coach who will overcome the brand problem with super-amazing levels of inhuman persuasion is going to keep disappointing you.