Interestingly enough, I had some time to kill today and looked up the medal winning history (not necessarily their first Olympics) for the PAC schools:
USC has 258 medal winners since the 1912 Stockholm Games (unknown if all were student athletes).
UCLA lists 230 medal winners since the 1936 Berlin Games (but as far as I can tell, coaches/future coaches are mixed in :fragez

Standford has 223 medal winners since the 1912 Stockholm Games (all appear to be student athletes).
Cal has 159 medal winners since the 1920 Antwerp Games (all appear to be student athletes).
Arizona has 65 medal winners since the 1952 Helsinki Games (all appear to be student athletes).
Arizona State has 57 medal winners since the 1952 Helsinki Games (all appear to be student athletes).
Oregon State has 18 medal winners since the 1908 London Games (all appear to be student athletes)
Colorado has 11 medal winners since the 1952 Helsinki Games (all appear to be student athletes)
Can't find anything else solid enough on the rest of the PAC's Olympic history to post here. UW and Oregon are especially annoying to search.