Interesting observation on Hansen. I'm no coach, but he runs through his checks quickly, if at all. He does rely on his scrambling, but that's somewhat related to our seive of an offensive line. He seems to have a knack for making throws on the run, and when faced with nebraska's D-line, I can't really blaming him for abandoning the pocket early.
The Offensive line is still pretty young and is plagued by a rapid and repeated coaching turnover. They are massive, they are athletic, and sadly they don't seem to be playing up to their talent level.
I noticed it in the NU game last year when he was in and it was really apparent in the KU game this year. It paid off that game but more often than not it will be unsustainable.
It may be the QB coaching or just the fact that he is a younf guy without alot of games under his belt. The overall athleticism is there just maybe not the mental part quite yet.
That Ussery guy looks the part of a B12 receiver from what I could tell as well from warm ups.