Just like that?

Just like that?
Will be really interesting to see how Embree responds to this game. Will he replace a lot of starters?
WSU is a huge game. Not that I'm expecting a good season, but if we lose that one, it's scary to think how bad it could get. Teams like Oregon and Stanford will probably blow us out if we play like we did today. We could have been down by five TDs by half time if OSU had an explosive offense.
Even as disappointed as I am I still see some positives out of this game. Most of our best players are young guys, it is the Srs. who are letting us down frequently. As bad as today was I saw a lot of players who didn't quit, they kept trying even when down in the fourth quarter, last year this would have been anothe Mizzou type disaster, Ohio State would have gladly put 50 on us.
I am frustrated by a lot of the seemingly simple mistakes, the bad KOs, the holding calls behind the play, the failure to line up correctly. Unfortunately these and worse have been the norm for five years and aren't going to change instantly.
Embree is also hamstrung by a gross lack of talent. We all complain about Manke but this team has a roster full of Mankes, guys who may try hard but are simply to small, slow, or unskilled to belong on the field against AQ conference teams. It is easy to say bench a guy but not so easy when you realize that the guy you put in belongs on the roster at Northern Colorado or at best at CSU.
I am not and will not give up hope or support for these Buffs. We already have better talent coming in next year than Hawkins recruited/developed over his last 3 years at least (with a few rare exceptions.) Would I like to see some different things done? Yes, but I am going to support Embree till he proves that I shouldn't be supporting him.
The hardest thing to change, the hardest thing to replace, the hardest thing to overcome is attitude. That is Embrees huge challenge. I know that he has some plans to do that but it is hard when you start thin and then start playing match the pieces on the O-line, when the most physically gifted guy you have at CB goes out with an ACL before the season even starts, etc.
I am frustrated and I imagine I will be frustrated all year, this team has to much schedule and to little game for this year. I stuck with them through Slick Rick tearing them down, I stuck with them while Barnett got the Duke lacrosse treatment without administrative support and stopped recruiting. Most dissapointing I stuck with them through the delusions and fantasies of the boys from Boise. I will give Embree at least a fair shot in light of all that before I turn on him and the team.
Where did you go and how was it? If I still lived in Colorado I would not be wasting time watching football on beautiful fall Saturdays . . .
All the people talking about the talent, have you taken a look at Embree's recruiting classes so far?
You mean the one that he had 10 actual recruiting days to put together and then his second that is still 5 months till signing day?
All the people talking about the talent, have you taken a look at Embree's recruiting classes so far?
10 days? He was hired in December. He had roughly 2 months to recruit.
Regardless of how long he had to recruit - the 1st class wasn't well thought of, and our current crop for the 2012 signing period isn't exactly burning up the recruiting rankings (presently #11 in the Pac 12 according to Rivals).
At some point, the recruiting has to SIGNIFICANTLY improve, if all the excuse makers want to keep from painting themselves into a corner.
He did that, Eastern Washington, Montana St, Toledo and that didn't work out all that well either. All the same I'd rather take a beating at the hands of OSU than Montana St.Mike Bohn, wake up and start scheduling games for this team to get WINS.
10 days? He was hired in December. He had roughly 2 months to recruit.
Regardless of how long he had to recruit - the 1st class wasn't well thought of, and our current crop for the 2012 signing period isn't exactly burning up the recruiting rankings (presently #11 in the Pac 12 according to Rivals).
At some point, the recruiting has to SIGNIFICANTLY improve, if all the excuse makers want to keep from painting themselves into a corner.
This is too much. He had like 10-15 active days and some of the guys already show the promise. And you are blaming that class?
How hard is it to kick the ball down the middle of the field?
I'm not blaming. I'm not making excuses. In fact I'm sick and tired of the excuses. Just go out and play good, hard, smart football, and ****ing win. This team plays like garbage. I don't care if it is Hawkins players or Barnett's players or McCartney's players or Neuheisel's players -- how hard is it to line up correctly? How hard is it to kick the ball down the middle of the field? How hard is it to know the snap? There is not a lot of talent on this team but absolutely horrific penalties and even worse special team play would doom even a GOOD team. I've seen middle school teams that looked better than this CU team has looked so far this year, knew how to line up, knew the snap count, didn't commit silly personal foul penalties, didn't commit stupid holding penalties, etc.
You can run around making excuses all day long about how there's no talent -- but that excuse is a self fulfilling prophecy and it only lasts for so long. Before too long, the players are all Embree's -- then what excuse will you have if they are committing a dozen penalties a game and playing absolutely horrific special teams?
I've sat next to my fair share of experts in Folsom. After every play that doesn't work they chime in some BS. I know everyone does it, but there are those guys who think they should be running a program, but are sitting in the stands with the rest of us.
After a failed 3rd Down Conversion- Run
"Why did they run? I would've passed there"
After a failed 3rd Down conversion- pass
"This coach is an idiot, you run the ball in that situation!"
I could go on and on forever. They are never ever wrong, because they can sit back and assess after the fact. Very irritating.
I actually don't think the playcalling was that bad. I think it's decent and acceptable.
Fans are really good at everything --- in their imagination
The same people who couldn't stand Hawkins' excuses, are now making every one they can come up with for Embree.