If by "not as optimistic" you mean you are a pessimist, than yes, you are correct. Not everyone needs to be a sunshine pumper, but you don't seem to have any positive takes on the Buffs. Most posters here are pretty realistic when it comes to the Buffs, and most of us are hopeful that 2009 is the season that things finally come together, such is the way things are in mid July. You seem to have a very black and white view of things.
First, I disagree that most on here are realistic when it comes to the 2009 season. Second, my opinions are simply just that, my opinions. I don't think it's smart to expect great things from a JUCO player who arrives days before fall camp. I don't agree with placing Scott above Stewart when Stewart clearly was the better back last year, ect., ect. That does not make me a Husker fans, or a whatever else. It's a differing opinion. Handle it.
Tell that to Shawn Mohler...
First, I don't recall exactly when Mohler came in. I don't think it was as late as Simmons, but I could be wrong.
Secondly, I'm not saying Simmons WON'T or CAN'T have an impact, I'm saying I don't think he will, nor do I think should he be expected to have one.