Fair, personally I have become less interested in football, still love the excitement game day and winning, but it’s not the priority it was once for me.
I agree with the sentiment that Folsom is too amazing a space to be used 6 times a year and then sporadically in the off season. It’s purpose is to be used and profitable. The AD has done this with the Champion Center, integrating with UC Health. The Club level is has value as event space, but largely the field house and the stadium offer no value outside game day. One obvious fix is to add additional field sports to bring people to camps. Collect revenue for parking, concessions, minimum ticket fees. The next is to create an attractive space to host concerts, conventions, or notable events.
As the sports count, I don’t see how skiing can survive another conference move and as documented in other discussions the collegiate competition is shrinking. So hypothetically CU has 15 varsity sports.