I think*(dont quote me) that in 1998-1999ish we did. I know for a few years we avg like 108% of capacity of hughes.
I think*(dont quote me) that in 1998-1999ish we did. I know for a few years we avg like 108% of capacity of hughes.
also, I would guess in 1994 they did... that year was the year we had just under 40K at hughes for the Utah game.. so im guessing it avg over 30K for the season.... fyi, it was like 8K over stadium capacity.. after that, the fire Dept made a rule to not let people sit in the grass at the N and S ends of the field.. so the crowd sizes went down.
Refresh my memory, when did CSU ever average 30k or much more. I know that even during the Sonny years attendance was not that great. I remember some years at an average of 28k or 29k but never much more.
Agreed with the premise of the thread, but one thing keeps hovering...the same things we say about them, I've seen nebbie fans say about us. Eek.
No, I typed it.
Agreed with the premise of the thread, but one thing keeps hovering...the same things we say about them, I've seen nebbie fans say about us. Eek.
Yeah this had been said and its true. :sad1:
We are really a team without a rival. :lol: Wow that does sound like I'm an arrogant prick. But I don't mean that in a good way.
Usually your rivals are teams that are in the same conference or in the same state at the same BCS or non-BCS level. We don't have that. nebraska will never claim us as a rival. Maybe Utah but like mentioned before, they have BYU. All the Pac schools are already paired up. I guess CSU is our rival by default.
Good point. It's far more manly when you have time to think about it, rather than when it just escapes verbally in the presence of a mouse or a spider.
Me too. The reason I don't like the "rivalry" is that it was manufactured to please the politicos in the mid-80's. It's now taken on somewhat of a life of its own, but I still don't like it ... and I like it even less in Denver.I'm an in-stater and I don't care about the rivalry.
Thanks, man who calls himself a walrus. Now THAT'S manly.
You're an arrogant prick. I've always thought so.
You've confused your articles. I call myself The Walrus. That's uber-manly and a touch arrogant too.
The Walrus
The Walrus
Awesome. I'll picture this guy when reading wally's posts now.
Men tend to require very visual stimulation for masturbation.
Knowing that probably helped your Navy career, right?
That will be changing soon though.
Then you'll finally be able to express yourself. Congrats!
CSquared is fine by me. Posters like BeerFight and 80s are the issue at Ramnation.
CsquaredC is one team less annoying than CSUHusker.
LMAO....I am definitely a persistent SOB. Hey - I couldn't let you guys sit here and drown in the Hawk hate all offseason.