man-slootI dated a Nub girl once.
Actually 2 dates, crappy sex, then I figured out she was full-on crazy.
(Are you noticing a pattern here?)
man-slootI dated a Nub girl once.
Actually 2 dates, crappy sex, then I figured out she was full-on crazy.
(Are you noticing a pattern here?)
She is already an island. I am sure there is something living on that!don't you mean she could be an island ?
In all seriousness, in the 2 years after I was first divorced, I dated what I believe to be an appropriate number of women, all in their late 20s to early 30s. I would say, from memory, only one or two of them weren't bat**** crazy. It was so bad, I took an almost full year sabbatical from dating before I met my now wife.
That was the pattern I was talking about, jaggass.
She was bat**** crazy as well. She married you.
I met a cutie from nuh who was a former corn cheerleader when I lived in LA. She was not fat — cute body. Face was an LA 6. We met online. Prior to our only date, she neglected to mention her love of gbr nation. After she dropped this bombshell on me, our date degenerated quickly and I deleted her from my phone. Sad.
full-on crazy and crappy sex does not compute.I dated a Nub girl once.
Actually 2 dates, crappy sex, then I figured out she was full-on crazy.
(Are you noticing a pattern here?)
you just need more data pointsfull-on crazy and crappy sex does not compute.
I have enough scars from the data points I do have, thank you very just need more data points
As a wise man once said “better to be dead than red and obese with diabeatus”.
This is an important point.In all seriousness, in the 2 years after I was first divorced, I dated what I believe to be an appropriate number of women, all in their late 20s to early 30s. I would say, from memory, only one or two of them weren't bat**** crazy. It was so bad, I took an almost full year sabbatical from dating before I met my now wife.
That was the pattern I was talking about, jaggass.
You should have toyed with her longer and strung it out.
I dated a Nub girl once.
Actually 2 dates, crappy sex, then I figured out she was full-on crazy.
(Are you noticing a pattern here?)
They don’t like black people on farmersonly. It was She lived in orange county while i lived in LA. Not only was she geographically undesirable in terms of her home state; her apartment was easily 120-150 mins in traffic from my house.
That's why I've never seen a black guy on one of their commercials!
Here is a friend of mine who used to be a Nebraska cheerleader back in 94.
She lost a bet from the game, and now here she is....get some views, and be nice. She's really cool.
Now I feel old because I can’t remember the name of the guy that grabbed the girls fat roll and played with it thinking it was her boob. Ahhhh. Greg in Austin.Beat me to it.