Everything is laid out with a clear, concise plan, amiright, hawg?6 vs 6 is gonna be great.
Who are CU’s starters?
Practicing is training. I don’t get why you aren’t understanding this. You can’t practice football with 12 people on the field at once. Newsome even said that it would be harder for sports like football in his statement today. It’s why the professional teams had to be granted exemptions from these guidelines.Here are the guidelines straight from CDPH
Number 2 and number 3 appear to apply to TRAINING only.
Number 5 seems to address how you can play football.
I swear, if the Pac12 is not playing football because they just read to number two and stopped...
Practicing is training. I don’t get why you aren’t understanding this. You can’t practice football with 12 people on the field at once. Newsome even said that it would be harder for sports like football in his statement today. It’s why the professional teams had to be granted exemptions from these guidelines.
Hilarious. Guy’s responsible for 40+ million Californians in the time of Covid and uncontrollable wildfires and he’s playing politics with . . . college football.
Get a ****ing grip, people.
Go read Wilner. He is talking about groups of 12 or smaller.In this scenario I do not believe they are equating practicing with training. When the guideline says "...composed of six to 12 individuals, all members of the same team..." it is referring to no cross training between the basketball team and football team. That only makes sense if you are referring to weight training, cardio training, rehab, etc.
Yes. It’s in the Press Release announcing testing details.Everything is laid out with a clear, concise plan, amiright, hawg?
Practicing is training. I don’t get why you aren’t understanding this. You can’t practice football with 12 people on the field at once. Newsome even said that it would be harder for sports like football in his statement today. It’s why the professional teams had to be granted exemptions from these guidelines.
How can you say that when the conference is waiting on the state and the state is saying they aren't holding up the conference?Yes. It’s in the Press Release announcing testing details.
Go read Wilner. He is talking about groups of 12 or smaller.
It sounds like all the confusion is because someone read "consistently" as "exclusively"Here are the guidelines straight from CDPH
Number 2 and number 3 appear to apply to TRAINING only.
Number 5 seems to address how you can play football.
I swear, if the Pac12 is not playing football because they just read to number two and stopped...
It sounds like all the confusion is because someone read "consistently" as "exclusively"
This is exactly my point. I don’t expect the governor of California to have spent one minute in the last month thinking about college football.
Here's the clip of Newsom's comments.
This is exactly my point. I don’t expect the governor of California to have spent one minute in the last month thinking about college football.
You really think the governor of California is angling for the college football fan vote?Meh. I do think he's playing politics here though. He's admitted in interviews he's a big Niner fan-I think assuming he knows enough about football to know there's only so much you can get done going 6 on 6.
You clearly need to ready it again lol it says the maximum group you can have is 12 people and then talks about limiting the contact of those 12 people with other groups and each other when possible not about having more than 12 people in those groups. If you think you know more about this than the teams in those states from reading something real quick then go off on your rant.There are absolutely guidelines towards cohorting in groups of 6-12. So your D-Lineman will go lift weights, while your WR run sprints. But it is obvious in guidelines 5-10 that concessions have been made to allow for practice of larger, contact sports like football.
The whole point of the cohorting thing is contact tracing. If there is an outbreak on the football team, they want it contained to the football team. They don't want the DLine cohort working out next to or with the Point Guard Cohort and now the football team and the basketball team have an outbreak.
You clearly need to ready it again lol it says the maximum group you can have is 12 people and then talks about limiting the contact of those 12 people with other groups and each other when possible not about having more than 12 people in those groups. If you think you know more about this than the teams in those states from reading something real quick then go off on your rant.
I repeat: HOLY ****. WHAT. THE. ****.
"cLeAr aNd cOnCiSe PlAnS hAvE bEeN lAiD oUt By PaC 12 lEaDeRsHiP" - hawg1
I am more talking about the incompetence of Pac 12 leadership if what she is saying is true, that they have not presented state leadership with any plansMeh. I don't see a big hurdle here.
Yes I do, go read them. They don’t say anything about meeting in groups because that is up to local governments. This is what the NCAA said:Gov. Newsom has stated that his health department collaborated with the NCAA in drawing up guidelines for College Athletics in the state of California. You think the NCAA would recommend that football teams cannot hold 11 v 11 or 7 v 7 drills? You think the NCAA would recommend that you must either separate your team into position groups that can ONLY practice together or basically you must separate your team by their place on the depth chart, and not allow backups to get reps?
This document is guidance for "institutions of higher education". It is how an athletic department is to setup guidelines for keeping its "community" safe and separate. It is not football specific.
Additionally, based on the fact that Pac12 Leadership apparently has not discussed return to play options with governors of California and Oregon, I have no faith that the conference critically read through these guidelines or made any effort to obtain clarification from the states.
I am more talking about the incompetence of Pac 12 leadership if what she is saying is true, that they have not presented state leadership with any plans
That’s true.I repeat: HOLY ****. WHAT. THE. ****.
"cLeAr aNd cOnCiSe PlAnS hAvE bEeN lAiD oUt By PaC 12 lEaDeRsHiP" - hawg1
You really think the governor of California is angling for the college football fan vote?
It's pretty obvious both sides are saying one thing publicly and another behind closed doors.That does not sound that crazy to me. A lot of nitty gritty details can hashed out in that meeting without an "official" plan. I would feel pretty confident at Oregon and Oregon State based on that statement.
The stuff with California sounds like a bigger issue to me because it appears both sides are talking past each other in public.