The insecurity you are showing is growing dailyOrange man bad. We know.
The insecurity you are showing is growing dailyOrange man bad. We know.
The insecurity you are showing is growing daily
I figured if we don't have fans in the stands, we've determined it's not safe for them in a gathering environment. So why would it be safe for the players?"
You have 100 football players; it's hard to social distance in the locker room or training room
OSU AD Gene Smith asking some good questions.
OSU AD Gene Smith asking some good questions.
I think the hope would be to have snap tests developed in the coming months and test all the players and coaches (and refs) the day before, but considering what a cluster the testing process is, hard to fathom that’s doable any time soon.
So when a team has a multitude of their players test positive, does that team forfeit the game? Is the game declared null?
If a team gets hit with the virus they will be quarantined for at least two weeks. Will they get extra time to get back in shape and have extra practices before they are allowed to play their next game?
“We’re going to play it,” Gladchuk said to Heather Dinich of ESPN. “We expect this to pass. We’re not naïve. We’re five months away from that game happening. There’s a lot that could happen in five months. If the economy and the United States are still shut down in five months, we all have significant issues, more so than a game in Dublin.”
Navy AD optimistic Navy-Notre Dame season opener will be played in Ireland - College Football | NBC Sports
All options are on the table but Navy AD Chet Gladchuck says he is optimistic the season opener with Notre Dame will be played in
Speculation from Chris Fowler
An article from on why sports are not coming back until there is a vaccine for Covid-19. Takes OSU AD Gene Smiths questions and draws out some natural and logical conclusions. These people could be wrong, but I highly doubt it.
Its only going to take one sport to come back before they all do. Nobody wants to be the first in a situation like this.
Speculation from Chris Fowler
TL;DL. Summary: Fowler’s informed speculation is that the season gets delayed until spring 2021, and it will likely be truncated schedule.
Which sport is going to have all of the governors in all of the states that they play in remove the stay-at-home and social distancing orders? The decisions are out of the hands of the sports themselves and will be for quite some time.
I think that's the most realistic scenario I've seen yet. And even then I think it's highly questionable that fans will be allowed to attend.
If any given state doesn't allow games to be played then teams from that state would likely play games elsewhere until their home state decides to allow games.
I didn't hear anything from him about a truncated schedule going along with delaying the season into the spring. He says three scenarios-
1) Season starts as normal-CF thinks there's a lot that has to happen between now and the end of May for this. He doesn't think this is likely.
2) Some sort of delay and truncated schedule-He thinks this is problematic. Cites a possible 2nd wave of corona. Gotta take the economics in account here We make fun of the schools who play the guarantee games because we've always scheduled tough as a program (with the Mike Bohn era being the obvious exception). I'm going to use UMass at Auburn to make this point ($1.9M guarantee for a game that is scheduled to take place during the SEC's annual Cupcake-a-palooza right before their rivalry games per An AD like UMass could be in huge financial/title IX trouble if they don't get to play that game. Those games are unwatchable for the most part to us as fans-but the schools like UMass or even my alma mater Northern Colorado need the money they get from the paycheck games they play.
3) Delayed season altogether into the spring. Goes off as normal with the CFP in May or June of 2021. This is what he thinks is most likely right now.
Which sport is going to have all of the governors in all of the states that they play in remove the stay-at-home and social distancing orders? The decisions are out of the hands of the sports themselves and will be for quite some time.
A vaccine may never be discovered just like SARS, MERS, HIV, etc. Nothing can be contingent on a vaccine. Life will have to get back to relative normalcy whether through a vaccine or time and herd immunity.
That would be great and I obviously hope that’s the case, but suggesting that anything is contingent on a vaccine just isn’t a realityI am not a scientist and I've had similar thoughts, but those who know actually do seem to believe that in this case a vaccine is realistic and plausible.
That would be great and I obviously hope that’s the case, but suggesting that anything is contingent on a vaccine just isn’t a reality
Careful. No vaccine ever made for coronavirus. RNA platform adds complexity. Manufacturing is critical path. Stacked risk.I am not a scientist and I've had similar thoughts, but those who know actually do seem to believe that in this case a vaccine is realistic and plausible.
There are 7 major strains of Coronavirus and no vaccine has been successfully created.