I love this thread and every one that has ever existed like it. There is so much rationalization that goes on to present a point or to justify ones position its comical. Here is the cold hard truth, DTV does not need the PAC, So as it has been since day 1 it's LS job to convince them they do. It sales gentlemen, and for the record when the only place that the PAC matters is within its footprint, then divide that number down by providers, those screaming "I WILL SWITCH" is frankly laughable to DTV. I said when CU made the announcement. The PAC plays in a time zone that renders them 2nd class to over 1/2 the nation SEC or BIG fans or not. Larry over played his hand, this is his baby, and his failure. Spin it however you want gent's, but those in sales know if the PAC is MEGA INC and Larry is my Pacific sales manager and he leverages sales to hold the price above what the market bears its on him. So when MEGA's Pacific sales are dead last, and perception is our product is second rate guess where LS is next week ? the UNEMPLOYMENT LINE, its not what you did, its what are you doing now. THIS IS SIMPLE, LARRY HAS A PRODUCT HE NEEDS DTV MORE THEN THEY NEED HIM. While the idealist's say "no, we cant do this" its a 10 year plan,..... really ? well after 10 will it become a 20 or ???? Mr. Scott your product is available free on the net to all of us and its quite simple to get, in HD. So make a deal before Mega Inc has a new Pacific Sales manager.