you'll need some pine o pine to get the lingering hooker smell out of the house.I’ll house em, whatever they need!
Does this look about right?
Yet to sign:
Good call. Looks like this then, as near as I can tell:Not that they're that respected here, but for what it's worth your 4 unsigned agrees with what the Denver Post shows (
Have no idea what if any chance the Buffs have with them, but I also have Jordan Allen's and Hunter Mayginnes's twitter open just in case. (Mayginnes still has his ASU verbal commit pinned; Allen still has a signing ceremony tweet saying he'll be signing today at 5:30 Pacific time not saying with whom he's signing.)
There will be Feb action.I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere, but are we done with the class after today, or do we still have a few schollies available for this year. Will there be Feb. action as well?
Official CU site shows 17.I count 17 so far
18 now with Maddox. Just Taylor and Hypolite left. Potentially Allen and Mayginnes later?Official CU site shows 17.
I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere, but are we done with the class after today, or do we still have a few schollies available for this year. Will there be Feb. action as well?
My interest is piqued.
I don't think so. I think it's Allen and maybe flipping the ASU commit, Maguiness (sp?)Well I assume the one is still the hoped for already verbally committed Hypolite.