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CU has rejoined the Big 12 and broken college football - talking out asses continues

Also, some of the numbers here will be driven by whether there's an acquisition of PACN with its distribution and production assets. If that's part of the deal (and it would seem to be if the partner doesn't already have the infrastructure), I have no idea on the value of that.
Great point
I want an all stream exclusive with Apple. The money will be there big time. The exposure argument is fighting the last war. The traditional providers are going to lose.
I do agree with you, but I don't think the university presidents do. I was thinking the Big XII was going to get into streaming to make some extra revenue after losing OuT. Not upset that they didn't, but I would have loved it if I could have dropped YouTube TV and ESPN+ for 1 subscription and all the Big XII games, but that's just me. If it's all played right, you guys could really position yourselves ahead of the curve for the next round.

But you won't, because your commish and his bosses won't want to rock the boat, and are not as smart as they think they are.
If you asked those same Pac12 President's to define "Tier 1 streaming", I bet they would all be wrong.
Exactly. But if this is a major point of emphasis for them, it points to them caring less about maximizing revenue for the AD and more about exposure to market their universities. My biggest concern from the beginning was that the presidents and chancellors would go this direction, not put a premium on AD resources, and then tell their ADs to stay within budget. AKA the Phil DiStefano playbook.
There is a reason iger is making all these sad noises about what to do with espn. Fight the last war or be best positioned to win the next one. It is pretty simple.
fox tv GIF by Pitch on FOX
If the Big 12 deal is paying $31M per school, that's 31 x 12 or $372M for the contract. So each new addition would have to be worth at least $31M additional to the media partner for the addition to make sense. And current conference members don't approve expansion and increased travel in order to break even.

So that brings me back to the following: if the 4 Corners schools all work with this math for the Big 12... and UO, UW, Cal & Stanford are valued somewhere north of that... and both OSU & WSU are less but certainly haven't been ratings drags... how the fvck does anyone come to the conclusion that the Pac-10 is worth less per school to a media company than the Big 12? Please, someone explain this to me because it has never added up.
If the Big 12 deal is paying $31M per school, that's 31 x 12 or $372M for the contract. So each new addition would have to be worth at least $31M additional to the media partner for the addition to make sense. And current conference members don't approve expansion and increased travel in order to break even.

So that brings me back to the following: if the 4 Corners schools all work with this math for the Big 12... and UO, UW, Cal & Stanford are valued somewhere north of that... and both OSU & WSU are less but certainly haven't been ratings drags... how the fvck does anyone come to the conclusion that the Pac-10 is worth less per school to a media company than the Big 12? Please, someone explain this to me because it has never added up.
Timing. ESPN and Fox likely value the Big 12 and Pac 12 somewhat similarly and the Big 12 came to the table first, while the Pac 12 has a network to figure out and was likely seeking more than $31m/year per school.
It seems you can spot their politics in all this too.
I think that is unfair.

Many hate apple because we don't want a dumbed down, closed architecture device that I carry everywhere and do everything on yet have no real control over and apple can say fu at any point and close my account forcing me to lose access to everything.

I won't give apple a penny of my own money for hardware...ever
Every time I open the Apple TV interface now I have to look at Lionel Messi. WOuld be cool to have that treatment for Pac-12 schools and Deion Sanders. Feels like good exposure but I don't know ****
You need the big games this conference plays-like Coach Prime versus anyone-on linear TV at least in this cycle.

Feels like a 100% linear thing is probably next cycle.
If the Big 12 deal is paying $31M per school, that's 31 x 12 or $372M for the contract. So each new addition would have to be worth at least $31M additional to the media partner for the addition to make sense. And current conference members don't approve expansion and increased travel in order to break even.

So that brings me back to the following: if the 4 Corners schools all work with this math for the Big 12... and UO, UW, Cal & Stanford are valued somewhere north of that... and both OSU & WSU are less but certainly haven't been ratings drags... how the fvck does anyone come to the conclusion that the Pac-10 is worth less per school to a media company than the Big 12? Please, someone explain this to me because it has never added up.
The only way going B12 makes any sense is if the $$$ is better. If the $$$$ is roughly equal or better in the P12-2, then you stay. Problem is we have no idea what the P12-2 $$ really is. And now, it seems the B12 numbers may not be what they seemed. I know return you to your regularly scheduled talking out of your ass session.