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CU has rejoined the Big 12 and broken college football - talking out asses continues

My only contribution to this hilariously useless thread. I've been working in Lubbock for a while now and it sucks, it's hot as balls, windy and I miss Colorado (glad we got that out of the way). But I usually wear my Buffs gear down here on the weekends and go to a nice cigar lounge next to campus. I usually get a few comments about Prime and Colorado, but I tend to get the most comments about the dissolution of the Pac-12. Tech fans desperately and unapologetically want CU to come back to the truck stop conference. I will typically say that I want CU to stay in the Pac-12 and it ends there.

I personally don't want CU to go back to the Big 12. Until one day a couple Iowa State fans walked into the lounge and we started talking about the old rivalries. The s*** talking was epic and the reliving of the old Big 8 was awesome. God I can't stand those Iowa State pricks. Funny because the hatred is still prevalent after all these years. That's the only reason I would want to go back to the Big 12 would be to beat the s*** out of K-State, Iowa St and Kansas one last time. Pretty sure that the Iowa St. contingent felt the same way. That's all. Continue on.

P.S. can confirm that even in Lubbock, Texas and Texas A&M are the big draw schools here. Everything revolves around those two f**** schools. God I hate this place.
God bless you my brother 🙏
why so serious joker GIF
My only contribution to this hilariously useless thread. I've been working in Lubbock for a while now and it sucks, it's hot as balls, windy and I miss Colorado (glad we got that out of the way). But I usually wear my Buffs gear down here on the weekends and go to a nice cigar lounge next to campus. I usually get a few comments about Prime and Colorado, but I tend to get the most comments about the dissolution of the Pac-12. Tech fans desperately and unapologetically want CU to come back to the truck stop conference. I will typically say that I want CU to stay in the Pac-12 and it ends there.

I personally don't want CU to go back to the Big 12. Until one day a couple Iowa State fans walked into the lounge and we started talking about the old rivalries. The s*** talking was epic and the reliving of the old Big 8 was awesome. God I can't stand those Iowa State pricks. Funny because the hatred is still prevalent after all these years. That's the only reason I would want to go back to the Big 12 would be to beat the s*** out of K-State, Iowa St and Kansas one last time. Pretty sure that the Iowa St. contingent felt the same way. That's all. Continue on.

P.S. can confirm that even in Lubbock, Texas and Texas A&M are the big draw schools here. Everything revolves around those two f**** schools. God I hate this place.
Big 8 was awesome. My 'Clones may have sucked throughout most of it, but it was fun. Even the original Big XII was a great conference. Too bad Texas had to run it into the ground. I wish they would reorganize into 6 or 7 10 team geographic conferences that preserves rivalries and history.
Big 8 was awesome. My 'Clones may have sucked throughout most of it, but it was fun. Even the original Big XII was a great conference. Too bad Texas had to run it into the ground. I wish they would reorganize into 6 or 7 10 team geographic conferences that preserves rivalries and history.
I don’t really feel the nostalgia. I remember being at Folsom in the 90’s for easy wins against KU, ISU and that was fun but it wasn’t because of those teams specifically or any rivalry. It was just fun to win easily. The only games that felt like big matchups were Texas, OU and NU.

Once I graduated and wasn’t there at Folsom and watching on TV, I remember those KU, ISU and other games being flat out boring. I’d go out w/ friends who went to B1G schools and side by side it was tough to watch a B12 game. It didn’t carry the same kind of significance (even less so now).

That’s why I was excited for the P12. More interesting programs. Everyone was good except Cal.
Big 8 was awesome. My 'Clones may have sucked throughout most of it, but it was fun. Even the original Big XII was a great conference. Too bad Texas had to run it into the ground. I wish they would reorganize into 6 or 7 10 team geographic conferences that preserves rivalries and history.
I was a CU student during the Big8 years and it was indeed a blast. The first few years of the BigXII were as well. After the conference HQ and CCG game got moved to Texas things started to decay. The Longhorn Network was the straw that broke the camels back.
I don’t really feel the nostalgia. I remember being at Folsom in the 90’s for easy wins against KU, ISU and that was fun but it wasn’t because of those teams specifically or any rivalry. It was just fun to win easily. The only games that felt like big matchups were Texas, OU and NU.

Once I graduated and wasn’t there at Folsom and watching on TV, I remember those KU, ISU and other games being flat out boring. I’d go out w/ friends who went to B1G schools and side by side it was tough to watch a B12 game. It didn’t carry the same kind of significance (even less so now).

That’s why I was excited for the P12. More interesting programs. Everyone was good except Cal.
I've never found BIG football games particularly fun to watch. OSU-Michigan is a fun one, sure, but Iowa and Wisconsin can be just painful with their style of play. Big XII in the beginning was fun, but then the north got terrible, Texas continued to Texas, and schools started getting wandering eyes.

Interesting question: what divisions had the biggest talent gap? Mid 2000 Big XII north vs Big XII south, or the current BIG East vs BIG west? It's close, but I'm voting modern BIG east/west. That western division is awful.

I was a CU student during the Big8 years and it was indeed a blast. The first few years of the BigXII were as well. After the conference HQ and CCG game got moved to Texas things started to decay. The Longhorn Network was the straw that broke the camels back.
IIRC you guys were the traitors in the north that voted to move the HQ to Dallas.

I'm sure most of you don't think this guy knows anything.
Here's the latest if you care to know.

Colorado still favorite to move to B12
Colorado has had direct conversations with B12 this month.
Colorado wants to see the PAC numbers yesterday. They are frustrated.
This is not the week any school moves to B12 (ACC and B10 Media days are happening so too much 'other' college football news in cycle)
ANY 4 corner school that jumps is GUARANTEED same $$ as current schools are getting.
UConn is NOT joining this week. No smoke at all. Won't entertain them till 4 corners intent is known.
Yormark is actively looking at adding several basketball only schools more than ever. (Gonzaga, St Johns ?)
IF Apple is in fact the winner of the tv deal, they WILL be showing Tier 1 games (Oregon/Wash) Will schools agree to this? AppleTv will be close to all in.
Apple wants to own all or most of the content.

I'm sure most of you don't think this guy knows anything.
Here's the latest if you care to know.

Colorado still favorite to move to B12
Colorado has had direct conversations with B12 this month.
Colorado wants to see the PAC numbers yesterday. They are frustrated.
This is not the week any school moves to B12 (ACC and B10 Media days are happening so too much 'other' college football news in cycle)
ANY 4 corner school that jumps is GUARANTEED same $$ as current schools are getting.
UConn is NOT joining this week. No smoke at all. Won't entertain them till 4 corners intent is known.
Yormark is actively looking at adding several basketball only schools more than ever. (Gonzaga, St Johns ?)
IF Apple is in fact the winner of the tv deal, they WILL be showing Tier 1 games (Oregon/Wash) Will schools agree to this? AppleTv will be close to all in.
Apple wants to own all or most of the content.

So in sum: this guy reads the news just like the rest of us and has absolutely no sources whatsoever. He’ll find out what’s happening at the same time the rest of us find out.

He’s doubling and tripling down on CU to the B12 because he has to at this point. He’s a fraud.

Also, the Apple part is meant to scare CU over to the B12 because, again, that’s what he wants.
Found that article interesting, and I don't think it helps you guys. the last line in particular: “This isn’t ‘Hey, I’ve got an opening from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. tonight, and I’m going to put this game on,’” Cue said. “That’s not the way we’re doing it. We’re all-in on this from an investment point of view, so it doesn’t work unless it’s something significant.”

Tells me they would want T1 content (if not all of it), which isn't going to make some of the schools happy. I'm not convinced the money would be stellar from Apple either. They aren't just going to overpay out of the kindness of their heart, and there doesn't seem to be anybody driving up the market.
So in sum: this guy reads the news just like the rest of us and has absolutely no sources whatsoever. He’ll find out what’s happening at the same time the rest of us find out.

He’s doubling and tripling down on CU to the B12 because he has to at this point. He’s a fraud.

Also, the Apple part is meant to scare CU over to the B12 because, again, that’s what he wants.
Did you not see this ?
Found that article interesting, and I don't think it helps you guys. the last line in particular: “This isn’t ‘Hey, I’ve got an opening from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. tonight, and I’m going to put this game on,’” Cue said. “That’s not the way we’re doing it. We’re all-in on this from an investment point of view, so it doesn’t work unless it’s something significant.”

Tells me they would want T1 content (if not all of it), which isn't going to make some of the schools happy. I'm not convinced the money would be stellar from Apple either. They aren't just going to overpay out of the kindness of their heart, and there doesn't seem to be anybody driving up the market.
We don't know and we'll find out. I barely have a grasp on what justifies the values of traditional deals and absolutely am not an expert on how industry insiders see things or what trend projections look like inside the rooms of media companies or what strategic positioning and investments they believe will drive ROI.
Did you not see this ?
I don't believe he wants to believe this but it's true
We don't know and we'll find out. I barely have a grasp on what justifies the values of traditional deals and absolutely am not an expert on how industry insiders see things or what trend projections look like inside the rooms of media companies or what strategic positioning and investments they believe will drive ROI.
Not claiming to be an expert, just interested and reading tea leaves. I may be wrong; the more I look into what MLS had before their Apple deal ($250 mil/year now as opposed to $90 mill/year before) maybe they will overpay some. But soccer is also the most popular sport in the world, and plays during a dead time for other worldwide leagues. I don't think the global marketing strategy would work for a regional college football conference.

We'll see how it all goes. As i have said before, the Pac has demonstrated noting but incompetence and hubris over the last decade ro so. I would not just assume everything will be fine, because apparently conference leadership can **** up a wet dream. GK's comments on media day were lackluster, and further demonstrate why he has been so quiet for so long.
We don't know and we'll find out. I barely have a grasp on what justifies the values of traditional deals and absolutely am not an expert on how industry insiders see things or what trend projections look like inside the rooms of media companies or what strategic positioning and investments they believe will drive ROI.
Leagues, I believe, want to sell rights for specific markets. So Sky, BT, and Amazon Prime has the English Premier League in the UK. NBC has it in the US. Id imagine different broadcasters have it China, Canada, the EU. The EPL domestic TV rights was $6b and offshore was $6.3b, for about $12b total.

Apple sounds like it want to be THE sole global provider when it picks up a sport. No one has ever put a valuation on something like that Because no one had the technical ability until now to pull that off. They could buy the entire global EPL rights and have hundreds of millions of viewers. Same for the Pac-12 🤷‍♂️
What Apple has to determine is how many more subs will they gain from purchasing the Pac 12 media rights and will it be enough to justify the cost? If they purchase the entire inventory and pay $300m/year, they would need roughly 3.5m new subscriptions ($7/mo for Apple TV) to pay for that (assuming everyone bought and kept Apple TV year round), without advertisers to justify it.

Since they wouldn't purchase the full inventory, they wouldn't be paying $300m/year so fewer subscribers would be needed

The number of subscribers likely wouldn't change whether they had the full slate of games or just partial since all Pac 12 fans would likely subscribe regardless.

How do ads work with the MLS package?
The x factor for Apple is the hardware they have been developing for years (The 8k cameras and now VR), and now they are looking for applications. It spurred their deal with Messi, and I could totally see them "over paying" in order to develop a more robust platform (and the Pac12 complying to the tier1 rights, due to the innovative aspect of it). We will see...
What Apple has to determine is how many more subs will they gain from purchasing the Pac 12 media rights and will it be enough to justify the cost? If they purchase the entire inventory and pay $300m/year, they would need roughly 3.5m new subscriptions ($7/mo for Apple TV) to pay for that (assuming everyone bought and kept Apple TV year round), without advertisers to justify it.

Since they wouldn't purchase the full inventory, they wouldn't be paying $300m/year so fewer subscribers would be needed

The number of subscribers likely wouldn't change whether they had the full slate of games or just partial since all Pac 12 fans would likely subscribe regardless.

How do ads work with the MLS package?
The P12 alums would sign up to watch their team their conference. Which is nice. Adding the P12 is also adding to the “portfolio” of sports. once that portfolio hits critical mass they get a lot more subs. I think thats Apple is working towards as are the rest of them.
Also, some of the numbers here will be driven by whether there's an acquisition of PACN with its distribution and production assets. If that's part of the deal (and it would seem to be if the partner doesn't already have the infrastructure), I have no idea on the value of that.
What Apple has to determine is how many more subs will they gain from purchasing the Pac 12 media rights and will it be enough to justify the cost? If they purchase the entire inventory and pay $300m/year, they would need roughly 3.5m new subscriptions ($7/mo for Apple TV) to pay for that (assuming everyone bought and kept Apple TV year round), without advertisers to justify it.

Since they wouldn't purchase the full inventory, they wouldn't be paying $300m/year so fewer subscribers would be needed

The number of subscribers likely wouldn't change whether they had the full slate of games or just partial since all Pac 12 fans would likely subscribe regardless.

How do ads work with the MLS package?
You don’t need a full Apple+ subscription to sign up for MLS. I suspect any Pac-12 deal would be similar but I could be wrong.
The P12 alums would sign up to watch their team their conference. Which is nice. Adding the P12 is also adding to the “portfolio” of sports. once that portfolio hits critical mass they get a lot more subs. I think thats Apple is working towards as are the rest of them.
Yeah. Some of it complementary to get the sports consumer's dollar (like funoTV did), so the whole is probably projected as greater than the sum of the parts.