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CU has rejoined the Big 12 and broken college football - talking out asses continues

so if the Pac 8 decide to stick together and ride this out, the only motivation that makes sense to me is them thinking there's going to be a better option in the near-term than what they have now.
  • UW, UO, Stanford, Cal could believe a B1G invite will come their way in time
  • the P8 may think there's a move to merge with the ACC
  • the P8 may think their option is better to merge with the MWC
  • other??
I think that the B1G said they weren't sending invites. Or if they did the revenue vs expense was worse than the Pac option.

So that means UO, UW, Cal, Furd, OSU & ASU (6) would prefer to stay together. Utah has made it clear it prefers to stay. ASU's Crowe is a political heavyweight in AZ and has been a vocal Pac cheerleader. That's 8, which can still be fit into the Apple deal proposal which expires today.

I think Arizona joins the Big 12 (14). And then I think Yormark speaks with ESPN & Fox to see if they have an appetite for UConn & SDSU or if it's best to hold at 14 for now. I think 14 is what will happen.

Staying put at 14 or adding SDSU amd UCONN kinda sounds better than adding the other 2.
I’m not advocating for SDSU to the Big12 but I think your broad claim is still not backed up with any facts.

SDSU was 3rd in football attendance in the MWC. The NBA didn’t leave “a few years back.” It was 1984. And the Chargers leaving was not so much about attendance. It was a greedy owner that screwed the city and chased huge money in LA. I’m sensitive to that because it’s exactly what the Houston owner did when taking the Oilers to Tennessee.
SDSU has been a frequent contender for the MWC championship in recent years with an exciting team in a market that doesn't have an NFL team or any other D1 football teams, third in attendance, even discounting the new stadium boost, is not impressive. It's good for the MWC but doesn't justify a P5 invite.

Likewise SDSU hasn't been a TV draw with the networks choosing to highlight other MWC teams.

Chargers had bad ownership but even in years with winning teams and stars they didn't draw well. Bronco's games in San Diego looked almost like a Denver home game because tickets were easy and as stated it's a great city to visit..

I understand the attraction of San Diego for the fans. It is a place with great weather, beaches, golf, shopping, dining, and much more.

It doesn't though make any sense to give them a share of your conference pie when they don't generate revenue to add to that pie.

The recruiting arguments, he alumni arguments are grasping at straws because fans would much rather take a road trip to SoCal than the Waco or Stillwater, I get it. It just doesn't make sense financially. If it did they would have been snatched up years ago.
SDSU has been a frequent contender for the MWC championship in recent years with an exciting team in a market that doesn't have an NFL team or any other D1 football teams, third in attendance, even discounting the new stadium boost, is not impressive. It's good for the MWC but doesn't justify a P5 invite.

Likewise SDSU hasn't been a TV draw with the networks choosing to highlight other MWC teams.

Chargers had bad ownership but even in years with winning teams and stars they didn't draw well. Bronco's games in San Diego looked almost like a Denver home game because tickets were easy and as stated it's a great city to visit..

I understand the attraction of San Diego for the fans. It is a place with great weather, beaches, golf, shopping, dining, and much more.

It doesn't though make any sense to give them a share of your conference pie when they don't generate revenue to add to that pie.

The recruiting arguments, he alumni arguments are grasping at straws because fans would much rather take a road trip to SoCal than the Waco or Stillwater, I get it. It just doesn't make sense financially. If it did they would have been snatched up years ago.

Act 1:​

Rosemont, IL B1G Headquarters, Day

Commissioner Tony Pettiti is in a conference room, with the B1G presidents attending a meeting via zoom


"You all may have heard that after CU's departure, Arizona is very likely to depart the Pac12 as well. It's also possible that Arizona State and Utah or Oregon and Washington may also be joining the Big12. Ladies and gentlemen- put simply, we have the opportunity right now to do the funniest thing imaginable."

(in unison)

"YEAH! DO IT TONY, DO IT!" (and other encouragements)

picks up phone and dials. the call is picked up, and we hear voices of UW President Ana Mari Cauce and UO President John Karl Scholz off stage

"UW? Oregon? Are you both there? Guys- sorry about last time when we got cold feet at the last minute. We heard that the Pac12 may be dissolving, and this is actually good timing because we'd been talking about it and we're super serious about adding you this time. Let's discuss you guys joining our conference."


"Really? that's wonderful! We are so excited! This feels like a great fit and I'm glad you agree!"


"To be candid, we were starting to get a little worried about where we'd land after all this realignment. We'd love to join the B1G!"


"I'm very happy to hear that you both are on board. Listen- we already have everything we need from you. All we need is some time to put things together. This is pretty much a done deal. I know your fans and stakeholders are getting a little antsy, so we won't be upset if you leak some of this to the press to calm their nerves. We'll be in touch in a few days. Goodbye!"
hangs up phone
(uproarious laughter)

End Scene

Act 2:​

Rosemont, IL B1G Headquarters, Night, 7 days later

Commissioner Tony Pettiti is in a conference room, with the B1G presidents attending a meeting via zoom


"We did it. We have exactly the right timing. Arizona is getting ready to announce their departure to the Big 12. ASU looks locked in too. Utah may or may not be joining. It's time to make the call."

(in unison)

"CALL THEM TONY!" (and other encouragements)

picks up phone and dials. the call is picked up, and we again hear voices of UW President Ana Mari Cauce and UO President John Karl Scholz off stage

"HAHAHA! We were ****ing with you. You are never joining our conference. Suck it, losers!"


"What?! how could you? We have nowhere else to go!"


"What will become of us?"


"Not my problem, dipshits! Why don't you call up UC Davis and see if they want to join your 'conference of champions'? Eat **** forever!"
slams down handset
(uproarious laughter)

End Scene
I for one get a solid chub imagining prime with direct access to Florida, Texas and California.
Nothing says Prime can’t go recruit SoCal if SDSU isn’t in the same conference. Just like he recruited FL and TX before we joined the Big 12 and just how CU used to recruit SoCal before they joined the Pac 12.

SDSU being acknowledged as a Power program is a net negative
MWC media contract was unequal, with BSU and SDSU getting paid more than the others. I believe they agreed to equal shares so that the networks didn't constantly hurt their ticket sales, fan engagement and competitiveness by constantly moving them to late night time slots (western window) on various days of the week.

This schedule nightmare better not happen to CU, BYU and UA(?) in the Big 12 media world.
SDSU has been a frequent contender for the MWC championship in recent years with an exciting team in a market that doesn't have an NFL team or any other D1 football teams, third in attendance, even discounting the new stadium boost, is not impressive. It's good for the MWC but doesn't justify a P5 invite.

Likewise SDSU hasn't been a TV draw with the networks choosing to highlight other MWC teams.

Chargers had bad ownership but even in years with winning teams and stars they didn't draw well. Bronco's games in San Diego looked almost like a Denver home game because tickets were easy and as stated it's a great city to visit..

I understand the attraction of San Diego for the fans. It is a place with great weather, beaches, golf, shopping, dining, and much more.

It doesn't though make any sense to give them a share of your conference pie when they don't generate revenue to add to that pie.

The recruiting arguments, he alumni arguments are grasping at straws because fans would much rather take a road trip to SoCal than the Waco or Stillwater, I get it. It just doesn't make sense financially. If it did they would have been snatched up years ago.

Having a presence in SoCal with a school that has the ability to show a pulse in football isn't a bad thing. I'd rather the Aztecs be in with us than go to the PAC. Need to shut that conference out of the region.
Nothing says Prime can’t go recruit SoCal if SDSU isn’t in the same conference. Just like he recruited FL and TX before we joined the Big 12 and just how CU used to recruit SoCal before they joined the Pac 12.

SDSU being acknowledged as a Power program is a net negative
The moment the PAC signs anything, you go in hard with guns blazing into SoCal and everywhere else and show kids how they will not be on TV anymore
The recruiting impact will be too much for many of these schools that have been holding on,
MWC media contract was unequal, with BSU and SDSU getting paid more than the others. I believe they agreed to equal shares so that the networks didn't constantly hurt their ticket sales, fan engagement and competitiveness by constantly moving them to late night time slots (western window) on various days of the week.

This schedule nightmare better not happen to CU, BYU and UA(?) in the Big 12 media world.

UA will have to do those night games due to the heat and it's pretty much woven into their football fabric.

I still think the B12 is going to follow the wishes of the CST demographic.

Either way, that is why I am moving away from live games.
The moment the PAC signs anything, you go in hard with guns blazing into SoCal and everywhere else and show kids how they will not be on TV anymore
The recruiting impact will be too much for many of these schools that have been holding on,

If Coach Prime prizes California as a recruiting ground.
MWC media contract was unequal, with BSU and SDSU getting paid more than the others. I believe they agreed to equal shares so that the networks didn't constantly hurt their ticket sales, fan engagement and competitiveness by constantly moving them to late night time slots (western window) on various days of the week.

This schedule nightmare better not happen to CU, BYU and UA(?) in the Big 12 media world.
Yep. Have to think this is top of mind for RG if he was serious about all the exposure talk as one of the main drivers for joining the B12.
More like UA being forced to stay with ASU.
Semantics on the explanation. I would take them and just stop at 14 if Arizona doesn't come.

That group of schools (especially with Oregon and Washington-who our leadership correctly assessed to be the emperor w/o clothes at the front of it) staying together would blow up in 5 years.
Would B12 would rather ASU stay and keep Pac intact vs all top brands to Big10? CU definitely prefers Pac sticking together.
I think B12 would want ASU now, the question is UU or SDSU. If 4 schools go to B1G, then BY doesn’t have to protect his western flank anymore. B10 will be full up until ACC implodes.

If P12 stays intact, and we are successful, then he has to worry about B10 poaching CU, AZ, OU and UW in next round of realignment.