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Investigation completed: Meyer suspended three games

That's also why they haven't gotten involved at Michigan State or with the basketball stuff as well-they literally can't until the authorities get done. This is a different deal.
I see no reason for NCAA to get involved in tOSU issues. Not clear to me at this time they have any purview or jurisdiction
Let the Piling on Begin. Not related to the Smith case but this article was just published about our buddy Urb. Every creature with a beef is going to air grievances. I was thinking Urb would survive this but now, not so much if it keeps going like this. :dead: Happy reading


Saw that on twitter and the source is James O'Keefe from Project Veritas. Spongy news at best.
Let the Piling on Begin. Not related to the Smith case but this article was just published about our buddy Urb. Every creature with a beef is going to air grievances. I was thinking Urb would survive this but now, not so much if it keeps going like this. :dead: Happy reading


Sounds good to me.

I'm by no means a Florida fan, but his departure from there told me all I needed to know. He's a hell of a football coach, but an entirely awful human being and a liar to boot.

Not a thing about this **** surprises me. If he never coaches a single football game again, it will fine by me.
Hope Gym Jordan goes down with him.
Leave Gym Jordan alone.He's just trying to stay in shape.
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1) Yes, the CU case is extremely different, but this is also the collateral damage that CU gets for mistakes that were made. Don't want to be dragged into **** like this? Then do better. How hard would it have been to place Tumpkin on administrative leave before the bowl game? Does it bother anyone that people in power were aware that he was a sick person, and still let him coach and mentor student athletes?

2) Which brings me to the bigger point - Does it bother anyone else that it seems like this is endemic to the sport? Nobody is shocked that these guys are beating the **** out of women. We just talk about how or if it was swept under the rug, and move on to the next incident. Our love of football seems to make us willing to accept that a certain amount of this sort of behavior is going to happen, and that the real issue is how it is dealt with to protect programs. When stuff like this happens, we talk about how surprised we are (or aren't) that OSU and Meyer played it so wrong. It all just starts to make me a little sick about having this sport be such a big part of my life every fall.

Not ready to give it up yet, but a lot closer than I ever thought I would be.
Are we reading the same thread here? I don’t think any of us are “willing to accept” this behavior? On top of that, I’m not ever really “surprised” if I hear about a DV situation whether it’s Football related or not. I know there are sick ****s out there and the only thing I hope for is that anyone who can help or knows about the situation will do whatever they can to help the victim. Not sure how anyone being surprised makes it any better. It shouldn’t matter how we react, it’s how people become proactive that matter and I would say that everyone on this board thinks this behavior and type of person is despicable and want those in a position to help do their part. If you are close to giving up Football, by all means, but because we love Football doesn’t mean we are willing to accept this and think it’s ok. Completely ignorant to say as much.
Based on Buffnik’s writeup of the CU the Tumpkin activities, if I am MikeMac and George I am still pissed about CU’s handling of the situation. They did everything they were trained to do but still get fined and get their names dragged through the mud. Again, if that is the fact pattern, CU just can’t get out of its own way. Somehow turn a situation that was handled correctly, just as their employees were trained, into a national story.
Let the Piling on Begin. Not related to the Smith case but this article was just published about our buddy Urb. Every creature with a beef is going to air grievances. I was thinking Urb would survive this but now, not so much if it keeps going like this. :dead: Happy reading


Even though it is a site with a strong agenda it is hard to ignore what the former players are saying.

Meyer is a big fish and there are a lot of people out there who would like to take him down. He is going to end up with a lot of stuff piling up on him to deal with and more stuff will come out.

Odds on him surviving keep going down.
Based on Buffnik’s writeup of the CU the Tumpkin activities, if I am MikeMac and George I am still pissed about CU’s handling of the situation. They did everything they were trained to do but still get fined and get their names dragged through the mud. Again, if that is the fact pattern, CU just can’t get out of its own way. Somehow turn a situation that was handled correctly, just as their employees were trained, into a national story.

I honestly wanted Phil gone, and I think the punishment that MM and RG was got was trying to win a PR battle that didn't need to be fought.
Are we reading the same thread here? I don’t think any of us are “willing to accept” this behavior? On top of that, I’m not ever really “surprised” if I hear about a DV situation whether it’s Football related or not. I know there are sick ****s out there and the only thing I hope for is that anyone who can help or knows about the situation will do whatever they can to help the victim. Not sure how anyone being surprised makes it any better. It shouldn’t matter how we react, it’s how people become proactive that matter and I would say that everyone on this board thinks this behavior and type of person is despicable and want those in a position to help do their part. If you are close to giving up Football, by all means, but because we love Football doesn’t mean we are willing to accept this and think it’s ok. Completely ignorant to say as much.

I think you are reading "you" into "we". I was talking more about the entire culture surrounding college football, and sports in general. But yes, football fans in general have a habit of trying to find ethical "outs" when it is their team that is threatened. As evidenced by the fact that many CU fans (as I have been for over thirty years) refused to even acknowledge that even one thing could have been handled differently in the Tumpkin case, or our eagerness to blame the media exclusively when something negative is reported about our program.

You weren't here (on Allbuffs) when the Tumpkin episode went down. As a whole, this board was rightly disgusted by his behavior. However, as happens with these things, there were those voices that asked questions blaming the victim. Like, "Why did she do it like this?", "Why did she put Mac in such a tough situation?", and "How much money is she going to try to get out of this?" I have no doubts that MikeMac is an honorable guy, and he did what he thought was right. But there is a difference in doing what you think is right and making sure the right thing is done. There are still people here that claim that CU did zero things wrong during Barnett's downfall. They put 100% of the blame on the powers that be and the media.

You are entitled to your opinion, but your displeasure over what you perceived as an attack on your beloved sport (and the capitalization of "football" in your post is more than a little telling), sort of suggest that your accusation of ignorance is a lot or projection on your part. Non-ignorant people can stand to look at the things they love and admit that there are things that can be done better.

And, oh yeah, as to your condescending tone, you can go **** yourself. You don't know me, and you have never even interacted with me on this board. I have supported CU and college football financially and as a fan for decades, and I think I am entitled to express displeasure when I see myriad scandals that almost uniformly involve the abuse and exploitation of woman, and the subsequent covering up of same. I don't need you to tell me how to go about arriving at the beliefs I have, and how I share them with others here.
That and people just throw out vague statements about what will actually happen and then magically get "proven right" no matter what actually ends up happening.

What does a "slap on the wrist" mean In the context of this Urban Meyer situation?
A fine. Maybe a stipulation clause in his contract.
He's done. People, particularly powerful men who abuse that power, don't "survive" things anymore. No matter how many Oscars or football games they win. It's only a matter of time.
It's been full contact in the football forum here the last 24 hours. Everybody's rounding into mid-season form!
AllBuffs:Welcome to the (Slap)Fight!
Brett McMurphey with 45 min tic-toc on how he got then developed Urban story on Deitch’s Sports Mecia Podcast.

Meticulous reporter. Not bad for a fired ESPNer.
MacIntyre case:
1. Wife was reached out to by alleged victim.
2. Neither wife nor victim were university employees.
3. MacIntyre spoke to victim at urging of wife.
4. MacIntyre immediately reported to superior (George), as he had been trained by university OIEC.
5. MacIntyre and George immediately reported to big boss (Chancellor DiStefano), who directed that it was not necessary to suspend accused assistant (Tumpkin).
6. About a month and a half later, a police report was filed and Tumpkin was immediately put on leave.
7. A little after that Tumpkin's contract was up and he was not renewed.
8. The CU Board of Regents determined that MacIntyre and George should each pay a penalty ($100k each, iirc) because they didn't follow current OIEC guidelines which had changed in the years after their last training -- even though they had never been re-trained and even though their boss who has been a stickler on these very guidelines in other cases directed them incorrectly.

Meyer case:
1. Hired a guy that had abused his pregnant wife while under him at Florida.
2. Alleged victim reached out to Urban's wife.
3. Both wife and victim were university employees.
4. Victim provided photos of the injuries from the abuse.
5. That outreach was 3 years ago.
6. Urban did nothing then lied to the media and the university when asked if he knew anything - despite everyone, including local police knowing.
7. University either knew that there was a problem or was uneasy that there might be - went into CYA mode with Urban's new contract extension this spring by adding specific language about non-reporting as a "for cause" reason for termination that had not been in previous iteration of contract.
8. The reporter who was belittled by Urban when he published an initial report on this with Urban daring him to prove it ended up producing a story with damning text message that proved it.

Sound the same?

You’ve posted many things on this site with which I agree (and some with which I don’t agree). This may be an all time awesome post from you. Kudos
The Ohio-based chain Bob Evans Restaurants has suspended its short-lived partnership with Urban Meyer and removed all references to the embattled Ohio State coach from its website just days after announcing an endorsement deal that called the Meyer the chain’s “head breakfast coach.”

The Ohio-based chain Bob Evans Restaurants has suspended its short-lived partnership with Urban Meyer and removed all references to the embattled Ohio State coach from its website just days after announcing an endorsement deal that called the Meyer the chain’s “head breakfast coach.”

A spokesman for Bob Evans Restaurants said that the chain was concerned that the advertising campaign - which features Urban Meyer saying "My job is to deliver a winning breakfast. I don't ask how the sausage is made." - may have been poorly received by the public in light of recent developments.

maybe its just me, but I perceive a trend to more emphasis on punishing the people that knew about domestic violence than there is punishing those who perpetrate it. I've read all five pages of this thread and maybe 1/2 the linked pieces -- I couldn't tell you the name of the guy who allegedly beat his wife but I know Meyer's in hot water for not reporting it.
maybe its just me, but I perceive a trend to more emphasis on punishing the people that knew about domestic violence than there is punishing those who perpetrate it. I've read all five pages of this thread and maybe 1/2 the linked pieces -- I couldn't tell you the name of the guy who allegedly beat his wife but I know Meyer's in hot water for not reporting it.

Because organizations are giving abusers cover. If Zach Smith actually has to face the music by himself instead of being backed by Urban Meyer and Ohio State football, much better chance he will not escape punishment.
I think you are reading "you" into "we". I was talking more about the entire culture surrounding college football, and sports in general. But yes, football fans in general have a habit of trying to find ethical "outs" when it is their team that is threatened. As evidenced by the fact that many CU fans (as I have been for over thirty years) refused to even acknowledge that even one thing could have been handled differently in the Tumpkin case, or our eagerness to blame the media exclusively when something negative is reported about our program.

You weren't here (on Allbuffs) when the Tumpkin episode went down. As a whole, this board was rightly disgusted by his behavior. However, as happens with these things, there were those voices that asked questions blaming the victim. Like, "Why did she do it like this?", "Why did she put Mac in such a tough situation?", and "How much money is she going to try to get out of this?" I have no doubts that MikeMac is an honorable guy, and he did what he thought was right. But there is a difference in doing what you think is right and making sure the right thing is done. There are still people here that claim that CU did zero things wrong during Barnett's downfall. They put 100% of the blame on the powers that be and the media.

You are entitled to your opinion, but your displeasure over what you perceived as an attack on your beloved sport (and the capitalization of "football" in your post is more than a little telling), sort of suggest that your accusation of ignorance is a lot or projection on your part. Non-ignorant people can stand to look at the things they love and admit that there are things that can be done better.

And, oh yeah, as to your condescending tone, you can go **** yourself. You don't know me, and you have never even interacted with me on this board. I have supported CU and college football financially and as a fan for decades, and I think I am entitled to express displeasure when I see myriad scandals that almost uniformly involve the abuse and exploitation of woman, and the subsequent covering up of same. I don't need you to tell me how to go about arriving at the beliefs I have, and how I share them with others here.
Couple things here. First, you’re right I wasn’t on here yet when the Tumpkin situation went down, glad to hear a lot of people were disgusted with it as they should be. Upset to hear that some people were trying to blame the victim. I see where your coming from with the attempts to find ethical “outs” as you say. But reiterate that’s not just a football thing that’s an every day thing. Business people will do the same if their company comes under fire, many academic higher ups would do the same as well. My point was that it’s not at all related to football it’s the way a lot of people in positions of power react because they don’t want to lose that power. Second, really, you’re saying because I capitalized football when it’s what my phone autocorrects it to when I type insinuates that I’m ignorant and that I’m projecting? Jesus dude, I wasn’t offended by your initial post, maybe the text came off as such but trying to say I’m projecting because I’m ignorant myself is churlish. I wasn’t trying to tell you how to arrive at your beliefs, I was stating my opinion that it’s not a football thing, it’s a position of power thing. And clearly you can’t have a conversation without telling someone to go f*** themselves just because their opinion differs from yours. I didn’t call you ignorant, I was saying it’s an ignorant thought to think this is an only football issue. “and the capitalization of "football" in your post is more than a little telling” that’s a good one I’ll have to let my phones natural autocorrect know that apparently it’s too infatuated with Football
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Couple things here. First, you’re right I wasn’t on here yet when the Tumpkin situation went down, glad to hear a lot of people were disgusted with it as they should be. Upset to hear that some people were trying to blame the victim. I see where your coming from with the attempts to find ethical “outs” as you say. But reiterate that’s not just a football thing that’s an every day thing. Business people will do the same if their company comes under fire, many academic higher ups would do the same as well. My point was that it’s not at all related to football it’s the way a lot of people in positions of power react because they don’t want to lose that power. Second, really, you’re saying because I capitalized football when it’s what my phone autocorrects it to when I type insinuates that I’m ignorant and that I’m projecting? Jesus dude, I wasn’t offended by your initial post, maybe the text came off as such but trying to say I’m projecting because I’m ignorant myself is churlish. I wasn’t trying to tell you how to arrive at your beliefs, I was stating my opinion that it’s not a football thing, it’s a position of power thing. And clearly you can’t have a conversation without telling someone to go f*** themselves just because their opinion differs from yours.
fwiw, my initial position was that it is unfair and a can of worms we don't want as a society if an accusation is enough to put a person on administrative leave. That this would cause irreparable harm to a person's career even if he was cleared in the investigation. After talking to people on this board, reading up on things and thinking it through, I have changed my mind. Domestic violence is such a pervasive and serious problem with such difficulties inherent for the person reporting (particularly that she could piss the guy off but have nothing done to protect her in the aftermath) that I don't believe that there's any choice but to put someone on leave pending investigation if there is a complaint against the person that has a modicum of credibility. For that reason, I also changed my mind about whether DiStefano along with MacIntyre and George screwed up by not removing Tumpkin from football operations right away.